Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Mark CI 10:33 AM

- work for the next 4 hours

please put usernames in check-in subjects

Hi Mark - please put your username in the subject for check-ins (versus "4+ hours"). Otherwise, if everyone left it off, it would be mass confusion and we wouldn't be able to find our own check-ins.


Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


halfway there.  going to take a 5 - 10 min. break

4+ hrs

k, worked 4 1/2 hrs. 

Nice job!


RR CI 5:16

I haven't gotten anything done since Monday, due to unexpected visitor.
For tonight:
type up all receipts
do dishes
go to event

kromer 10:30 CI

All right, crunch time before the end of semester.
This morning I did house chores, so I won't get a huge fine.
Now I'm in lab, preparing for a 1:30 meeting.
I'm going to spend about 10 minutes dealing with email.
Then, I'll spend 50 minutes gathering data for my meeting.
Then, I need to run some errands for the house, which should take 45 minutes.
That will leave me another hour or so to finish preparing.

I'll check in after my errands, around 12:30 (so I don't spend forever doing them)

kromer 10:50 CI

Quick check in, to make myself stop wasting time on email. Now it's time to gather data. I will CLOSE my web browser for the next hour.

kromer 1 CI

Ran late on errands, but I'm back.
30 minutes of meeting prep, not ideal but should be enough

kromer 2:45 CI

Meeting went well, but now I'm losing focus.
Here's my to-do list for the rest of the day.
1)Write 3 emails I've been putting off
2) Write up notes from the meetings, and use them to make a plan/timeline for working on my senior project over break.
---Check in
3)Turn in a form and buy a birthday present for my mom
4) Work on my senior project until 4:30
---Check in
5) Go Christmas shopping for 2 brothers, parents, friends (+ pick up a few things for myself)
---Check in
6) Pack/print out work for plane flight (I'm going home tomorrow! yay!)
7) Organize finances (so I don't overspend over break!)
---Check in
8) Call home

kromer 4 CI

It was a struggle to keep focus, but I did it! (albeit a bit slowly...)

I wrote emails and took notes from the meeting.
So I'm accountable to someone, here's my plan for what I'm going to do over break.
(It's more work than I would like, but it really needs to get done...I'm going to try to keep getting up early over break, around 6am, and get a few solid hours of work in before the rest of the family gets up. Then I can goof off most of the day without guilt, and do a little more work in the evening if need be.)
To do before Xmas:
Write up intro. to senior project report, figure out how to use human interactome, investigate cellular response to AMPK, finish MIT BE application
To do between Xmas and new years:
Run THEME on EGRF transcriptional set, try using evolutionary conservation in code, finish UCSD Bioinformatics application, finish NDSEG fellowship application, finish DOE fellowship application.

All right, off to turn in form and pick up a present for my mom. Then, I think I'll go straight out to go shopping.

kromer 9 CI

Shopping done (except for a present for my dad, but I know what I'm going to get).
Christmas musak at the mall puts me on edge... (why is there no angry smily for me?)

Back in lab now, gathering up my stuff. I'll catch the 9:30 bus home, then pack and gather work for the plane flight. Then I'll check in, probably around 11.

kromer 2 CI

OK, packed.
And laundry started.
Then got sidetracked and watched a movie (but at least I made a friend happy)
Finances tomorrow morning, then I'll leave at 8am to catch my flight home :)

Thanks for starting the thread Journey--Lark at 9:15

This is a rough time of the year (cold, isolated, and lonely to name a few). I'm doing better on my CIs, but many usually don't get completely finished. I've been trying to schedule unfinished projects each week so the year doesn't end with a bunch of loose ends. Today's goal is to finish a thing for work from early last month. That's basically the only "to do" for today.

Journey 9:15

Good morning!  Where is everyone, I need some company!?

Just getting to work, going for coffee, then reading my email and making my list for today.  back before 10.


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 10:00

Oops it's 10 already!  I did read my email but then got sidetracked.  Going for coffee now.  I'll finish making my todo list and be back in half an hour!


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

Journey 11:00

email all done, realized I needed to get to work on the monthly status report since a lot of people are off next week, so took care of that too.  Now I have a meeting, check in again when it's over. 

I think I might go back to putting my whole todo list in here. . .


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 1 pm

meeting lasted for frickin ever, had some lunch, now back to evaluation.  I should be done with the goals portion by 3. 

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 4 pm

eval all finished!  *whew* glad that's done. 

Now, follow up on some issues raised at yesterday's meeting.  This should be quick.  then come back here. 

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 4:30

done, now work on getting the monitor back up and start figuring out how to gather the data for trending.   As soon as it's up and I document what I did to get it back up, and find the doc about the data, I'm done and I'm outta here! 

I will check in when I get home - I haven't been doing that and, not surprisingly, I've been doing nada when I get home. 


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 9 pm

gonna load the dishwasher and check in one more time before bed :)

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 10 pm

night !

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips