Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, Jully 3rd, 2006
Good semi-morning. It's 10:13 AM here in TX, USA.
To Do
Go to mom's to check on dogs
go to yoga at 4:30 pm
Go to bed by 10 pm
Get a routine going:)
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so did you do all that?
You never checked back - I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop!!!!
I had a slow start to the day. I woke up feeling crappy (leftover from yesterday) and migrainey (I'm still getting these daily). But I eventually picked up my apartment and got going. My apartment is starting to need more than picking up - it needs cleaning. How tedious. But not today - it's already late.
I did work today, but got stuck on one thing (that hyperfocus bogie-man again!). I wish I'd been able to switch gears and do some other things, too.
Maybe I'll go out and take a walk now. Since I was sick yesterday, I haven't been getting out much and I'm feeling a little claustrophic (not hard in this closet of an apartment). On the other hand, it's so freaking HOT outside.
Sorry - I'm complaining too much.
Going to bed
went to mom's to check on dogs
didn't go to yoga - spent too much time trying to print a pdf booklet. Can't believe it - i was trying to print 2 to 1 on both sides. Next time I'll test 10 pages first. I wasted time and about 100 sheets of paper. But I use the back for printing and stuff - so it's ok.
Hope you feel better.
I'm going to bed now at 10:20. Going to read.
write tomorrow :)
July 3rd (with one 'L')
Just noticed - but assuming you all get it :)