Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 15 December 2007

Julie's bedtime CI

 I drug mysel out nice and early this morning to go to our graduation ceremony, so now it's about lunch time. I'll come back in a little while and start on this list.

Morning routine
Graduation-from 8 am to 10:30
T’s meds
Grade community assignment
Finish grading epi assignment

To Do:
Order P’s gift
Grade ind. assessments
If time-start on environmental assignments
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Order C’s books

pro's CI - 10:30pm

Not sure how making, eating, and cleaning up after dinner managed to take all evening, but it did. I got some stuff done, but not enough - and not the most important thing. I still have tomorrow before the weekend is over. Maybe I'll use it better.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

rr CI 9:10 pm

daily receipts

to do: plan one event this week
do dishes

kromer 6:15 CI

OK, errands and phone call took longer than expected, and I just spent an hour and a half talking with friends....but I'm back on track now, off to go jogging.

pro's CI - 4:50pm

I'm back from errands. One took longer than planned so I didn't get to one of them. I'm hungry now - making food.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Mark CI 2:30 PM EST

- parenting - 3hrs w/ Phoebe
- MIRC import working
- clean office
- edit requirements for quiz feature
- grid -> add js and get 1st thumbnail popping up for all results
- catch up on comics
- watch Killer of Sheep
- guitar practice
- read 50 C# book

kromer 2:40 CI

All right, finished my UC Berkeley application (took about an hour longer than I though it would, due to some web browsing and staring into space, but at least it's done :-) )
I'm going to call my brother (should take about half an hour), then off to do some shopping (should take about 1.5 hours)

pro's CI - 2pm (so late!)

What happened to my day? It was just morning, and now it's mid afternoon. I'm all screwed up. I'll go do a couple errands, then come back and work on my pile.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Julie's 11 am CI

 I drug mysel out nice and early this morning to go to our graduation ceremony, so now it's about lunch time. I'll come back in a little while and start on this list.

Morning routine
Graduation-from 8 am to 10:30
T’s meds

To Do:
Order P’s gift
Grade ind. assessments
Grade community assignment
Finish grading epi assignment
If time-start on environmental assignments
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Order C’s books

pro's CI - 11:15am (have stomach ache)

I'm showered and dressed. But suddenly I'm feeling sort of nauseous. I'm going to lie down for a while, then onto the next task.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

kromer - CI 10:30

Hi all, I'm new, this is my first check-in :-)

Lots to do today (end of the semester and all):
-Finish UC Berkeley grad school application (about 3 hours)
-Finish computational geometry project (about 1 hour)
-Buy a scarf for my friend (1 hour)
-Go grocery shopping (1 hour)
-go jogging (30 min)
-plan out what I want to get done next week (45 min)
-email friends (30 min)
-post results from my biology experiments (1 hour)

welcome, kromer!

Hi Kromer, and welcome!

I added your member name to your check-in subject. We do that so we can easily find our check-ins in the comment list.

That's an ambitious day you have scheduled. Perhaps it's overscheduled? I've found that when I try to regiment things that closely, I set myself up for failure. Might be better to bite off a little less at once. But that's must my two cents.

Please check in again soon. What works best is to check in before and after each task.

Good luck! :)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

kromer's 11 CI

Yeah, it was a bit ambitious...I tend to plan on doing enough stuff to fill 18 hours (and then instead waste time all day), so this was relatively reasonable for me, but I need to try to be more realistic!

Done: jogging and emailing friends, then I went out to dinner.
I also remembered I needed to bake a cake, so that's done.
I'll finish my comp. geo. project and then go to bed...planning and posting expt. results will have to wait until tomorrow.

Actually a pretty productive day, yay!

kromer 12:30 CI

Argh, I just stared at my computer screen for an hour and a half, not done with my project and now I'm tired and have a headache.
Going to bed and will try again in the morning (early)

journey 10 am

I have a lot of holiday-related stuff to do today. I really don't enjoy the holidays all that much. But here we go.


Target for party supplies
Make grocery list
Pick up ham
Visit Mom and Dad
Feel guilty about overspending :)
Finish James Lee Burke book
Straighten house
Put out all stuff to wrap tomorrow
Buy groceries
Put away groceries
Sort laundry and fold one load
Clean up kitchen
Reload mp3 player

Go to bed by 11

Happy Holidays everyone!


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

Journey 3 pm

k, home from shopping and errands.  mid afternoon is major procrastination time for me.  I will take a 15 minute break, then put away the groceries.  Back as soon as that is complete


Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

journey 7 pm

well the break was more like half an hour but now I have put away the groceries, cleaned out the fridge, made dinner, ate dinner, and did the dishes.  I put a load in to wash but I'm not in the mood to fold and put away. . .I think I'm gonna call it a day, relax for a little while and then go to bed early! 

See you guys tomorrow!

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

to do: guilt

You crack me up, journey. Guilt on your to-do list! :D

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

lol guilt

Yep, I'm gonna do it anyway, at least this way I can cross something off the list!

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

pro's CI - 10am (got my list)

I have my to-do list for today. I feel like I'm forgetting something. But I have the piece of paper now so if it pops into my head I'll write it down.

I'm starting with a shower. When that's done, I'll decide what's next...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's first check-in - 9:40am

I'm determined to get a lot done this weekend. I'm going to start by making a list and prioritizing it so I do the right things first.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.