Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 14 December 2007

Julie's bedtime CI

Morning routine
T’s meds
Email link to conference picture
Check emails for assignments
Update forums for late entries
Update quizzes for late entries
Grade epi assignment-started on this
Go to studio to proof pictures
Meetings from 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Go to pharmacy

I got quite a bit done today. Parts of the grading took a lot longer than I thought, but I should be close to finishing up by tomorrow or Sunday. My goal is to be finished and have grades posted by Sunday. They're due Monday night. Usually I turn them in about 2 minutes before they're due so I hope to do a little better than that (:

To do:
Order P’s gift
Grade inv. Assessments
Grade community assignment
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Order C’s books
Call extended learning about refund, ITV tape and books
Email A about evaluations

RR 6:00 CI

OK, I've been stressed out lately and feeling like I'm running around in circles and getting nothing done.

reimbursement paperwork for course-handed in
time card

to do tomorrow morning:
put away paperwork

Journey 5:30

Not the most productive day in the world but not the least either.  One thing I have noticed since I've been posting here, is that I'm more able to fit in smaller tasks in my schedule.  That didn't make much sense, let me see if I can clarify.  I used to try to get the BIG things done first and if I couldn't face a big thing, I'd do nothing.  But now, when I can't face a big thing, I'll find something that I CAN do and go ahead and cross it off the list. 

X - Gym
X - Read email (actual .5)
X - Daily planning (.5)
  - action list - review all red flag items - .5
    (getting to do list back to GTD standard)
X - holiday luncheon 1.5 (3.0)
X - unplanned - emergency audit-related procedure update (2.0)
>started  - eval - 2-3 hrs. (1.0)
X - TAX THING - 10 min yay - want to get this taken care of before
    time to start on THIS year's taxes!
  - finish THIRD form for SL 1.0
X - call about retreat
  - linux high availability planning - 1.0
X - dec. 15 budget

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips  

Julie's 9:50 CI

Good morning everyone! I have a lot of grading to do today and I should have gotten up earlier. I actually went to bed at 1 am last night, which is good for me, but still didn't get up at 8 as planned. I know I need to go to bed a little earlier but I don't really want to, so it's an ongoing battle. Hope everyone has a good day!

Morning routine
T’s meds
Order P’s gift
Email link to conference picture
Check emails for assignments
Update forums for late entries
Update quizzes for late entries
Grade inv. Assessments
Grade community assignment
Grade epi assignment
Go to studio to proof pictures
Meetings from 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Order C’s books
Go to pharmacy
Call extended learning about refund, ITV tape and books
Email A about evaluations


N's Check In

I too have been in a funk lately.  More specifically, in my addiction.  Today is the day I am going back to my "normal" schedule of 6 hours of work (loosely defined, including lunch and breaks) on my dissertation.  I'm scared.

Before I face that, there is something I need to look up on the web, so I wanted to bookend that.

10 minutes web seach.

I will check back in after the 10 minutes, to make sure I don't get lost in the web . . .


Another bookend for N

I need another 10 minutes on the internet.  Then I really, really will start working.

Will check back in.


Bookend for N

Okay, I spent 12 minutes, not 10, on the internet, which for me can be an issue.  I could easily end up spending hours obsessively avoiding my work.

*Deep breath*

Thank you all for being here.

to do:

6 hours work
shop for household stuff


9:35 CI for Lark

This needs to be clean up and catch up day. I've been in a funk for a while, and when that happens, things don't get completed or done well. Stuff often doesn't get put away either. Unless I plan to take care of these things, they never get done, and too often seem to breed worse situations. Breaking them down into time spaces seems to work best for me, so...

5 minutes for the kitchen table
5 minutes for the living room
1 hour four behind my house
2 hours for current work project
15 minutes for workshop
30 minutes for lawn and driveway
complete small work project for friend of friend

Good luck everyone.

Journey 9:30

We're having our holiday luncheon at work today so the afternoon will probably be more festive than productive.  But team building and networking are important too, so I will consider it time well spent!  

X - Gym
X - Read email (actual .5)
X - Daily planning (.5)
  - action list - review all red flag items - .5
    (getting to do list back to GTD standard)
  - holiday luncheon 2.0
  - eval - 3.0 hrs.
  - TAX THING - 10 min
  - finish THIRD form for SL 1.0
  - call about retreat
  - linux high availability planning - 1.0
  - dec. 15 budget

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

Mark CI 3:14 am EST

to do:

- take out trash
- clean desk
- assemble cabinet
- assemble storage for under desk
- attach shelf to desk
- monitor
- finish book
- return library items
- stretch
- clock 8 hours
- grid demoable
- MIRC import -> handle embedded XHTML
- fix 1075
- deposit check
- stow or purge rarely used computer books
- go for a walk
- watch Killer of Sheep

pretty unproductive.  Only

pretty unproductive.  Only clocked 5 hours, although I'll probably get some stuff done now b4 I go to bed.  Have to work 7 1/2 hrs over the weekend to insure a 40 hour week (and then my singing gig would count as an extra 3 hours beyond that).

Weekend task list:

- clean desk
- assemble cabinet
- 1 hr cleaning downstairs
- clean office - desk and floor clear
- assemble storage for under desk
- move books
- monitor
- MIRC import fixed
- grid demoable
- cardio
- stretch
- watch Killer of Sheep
- card for honey
- catch up with comics
- read 100 pp of The Monk
- email sister
- call L.
- call T.
- work thru ch. of a programming book
- purge 50 items
- practice guitar (file nails)


5 hours is good!

You call 5 hours of work "unproductive"? Stop beating yourself up. You did good!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

I'm paid by the hour.  5

I'm paid by the hour.  5 hours is not good.

3 am? that's getting an early start!

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.  - Benjamin Franklin

oh, that's when I was going

oh, that's when I was going to bed.  On a pretty late schedule.