Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 27 October 2007

Rexroth 00.15 BST

Well the day is over just and my committment was to post each day so here goes. I've done:

prayer reflection meditation
dealt with phone messages emails post
(post was difficult as it included a letter from Landlorda bout rent arrears and I'm not in rent arrears but I didn't feel happy about it)
filled in some holes in ceiling ready to paint
wrote important email complaint about landlord
wrote letter to local council
wrote letter to insurers
went out to dinner to celebrate friend's 40th birthday and was sociable to everyone including apologising to someone I had been rude to before
home and posted this


write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

and I feel horrible and I know I am looked after by a higher power though just at the moment it does not feel like it.

Night Folks


thank you

Rex, thank you for sharing about apologizing...your comment reminds me of how emotions can get in my way so that I isolate. I spend an enormous amount of energy these days being ticked off at people: I owe some 12 step apologizing before I can move on....

Hi, Rex

It was really big of you appologizing to those folks there :-) A worthy character trait :-)

Hope you feel better soon, hang in there buddy :-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Rexroth: why?

Hey Rexroth,

Don't answer this if you don't want to, but why do you "feel horrible" and like "a higher power ... is not looking out for [you]?"  Just curious...


Why and thank you

Firstly thanks for support in apologising.

Why? I asked a priest about this a long time ago and he suggested it was part of everyone's spiritual journey. Jesus felt abandoned, the Saints and the Desert Fathers felt the same at times, so why did I expect not to feel the same?

Regards Rexroth

Sorry I didn't get back to

Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner.  I was gone for a few days (36 hrs maybe?) being productive.  Weird.  :)

Hmm... "the dark night of the soul," eh?  Yeah, I think your priest is right.  Keep waiting for dawn and expect to grow in the meantime.   At least, that's been my experience.


Edge's CI - 6:40PM

Meh, I ended up sleeping most of today and sitting around thinking about studying and how I don't feel like getting around to it instead of actually doing anything useful. And despite my resolution to go healthy this month I ordered in, throwing my budget off course and  probably putting my stomach up for some grief later on.

Now I've got to get dressed and go pick up my sister from work, but I really don't feel like it. Bleh.

...Might as well start getting ready now. Will also write down the items I want to buy and go on a quick shopping spree, otherwise I'll be putting off buying the stuff on my list yet again.

I was actually very tempted to go back to playing computer games earlier today. A very dangerous juncture. If I'd given in and started, I would have probably sunk back into that difficult-to-break cycle of time wasting and constant gaming. ...I can't take any credit for "resisting" the urge, though; the only reason I didn't give in was because the game CD was some distance away and I didn't feel like going and getting it :blush:

Ah well :-) Who said good things can't come from laziness, eh? :-) Ok I've got to quit stalling and just go get ready.

X Morning Routine
- Cover 2 chapters
X Return 300 DVD to Saria
X Return magazine to Ghada
X Pick up Dana (She actually surprised me and came home herself, so I just waited for her and we went shopping toghether)
- Reply to Jen

X Check green med
X Buy Q-tips
X Buy cat food
X Buy toothbrush
X Buy mob credit
X Buy shampoo
X Buy tissues
- Evening med
X Wash vegies

* Voiceover (never mind that today)
* Call prospectivework guys (tried but they didn't pick up)
* Reschedule with E
* Buy PLs (couldn't find the right one)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 11:02PM

Going to turn in, even though I haven't finished everything on my list. Really sleepy.

Hoping everyone is having a good day :-) Night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 8:15PM

Well, I'm back. for a while there I didn't think I was actually going to go ahead and do the shopping :-) It's amazing how things get done when you actually do them :-p Now to apply the "do" process to the studying.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Journey 10:13

I was 3 minutes EARLY to my yoga class this morning. That's right, folks, I said EARLY. There were quite a few people already there. Did you know that normal people often arrive early for appointments? Who knew? LOL

I'm babysitting tomorrow so any housework that's going to get done will be done today. So I'm going to try to stick to the essentials and let the rest slide.


-Visit Mom and Dad
-Make grocery list
-Food shopping
-Put away groceries
-Straighten and dust lr,dr,br
-straighten and wipe down bathrooms
-sort laundry
-fold and put away clean laundry
-make dinner

I'll be busy today but I just need to remember that if I can stay focused and get the chores done today I will have all day tomorrow to play with the baby and not have to worry about getting anything else done.

Just one other thing that must be done is pay a traffic ticket, can't forget that.

Have a lovely weekend all


journey 2 pm

Sorry for another duplicate post I'm a little trigger happy these days I guess.

Food shopping done. If I work steadily until after dinner I should get everything done and have time to relax tonight and have all day tomorrow to just be grandma :).

Happy Weekend


Journey 10:13

I was 3 minutes EARLY to my yoga class this morning. That's right, folks, I said EARLY. There were quite a few people already there. Did you know that normal people often arrive early for appointments? Who knew? LOL

I'm babysitting tomorrow so any housework that's going to get done will be done today. So I'm going to try to stick to the essentials and let the rest slide.


-Visit Mom and Dad
-Make grocery list
-Food shopping
-Put away groceries
-Straighten and dust lr,dr,br
-straighten and wipe down bathrooms
-sort laundry
-fold and put away clean laundry
-make dinner

I'll be busy today but I just need to remember that if I can stay focused and get the chores done today I will have all day tomorrow to play with the baby and not have to worry about getting anything else done.

Just one other thing that must be done is pay a traffic ticket, can't forget that.

Have a lovely weekend all


Meeting appointments

Lol, yay, Journey! I always struggle with being exactly on time as well, so I know how good it feels when one finally makes it on time! Good on ya, mate :grin:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson


Thanks Edge!  I have a real problem with being 5 minutes late every where I go.  Trying to work on that lol


ci 10:34 AM

Good morning to those awake,

Today has had a productive start despite all efforts to the contrary! I up and fed guests and son and got them out the door to a road race by 8 am. When I got back, despite being headachy I cleared away breakfast and stripped beds, and even managed to clear most things away so that the house looks neater. What kept sticking in my mind was something that Pro had mentioned that I googled: the Get it Done method. It is still fresh, too fresh to have absorbed it all, but one phrase stuck with me: if it takes less than two minutes do it now. Everything I have done so far this morning has taken less than two minutes and now I can see the bigger projects that could be chunked.

I still feel myself not wanting to finish things, wanting to put them off half finished. For instance, I can fold the laundry, but not put it away in drawers. I can strip the beds, but not put the blankets away. I still have a lot of resistance to finishing these last steps, and I can see that attitude carrying over into letters & bills, paid but not posted. There is some ... fear I have about putting it in the mail, making a final decisions, not being able to undo things. I am not sure where it is springing from, but it carries into all sorts of things, like making a choice without 'expertise'. I am beginning to see that putting things off until you have the expertise means they never get done.... I am particularly aware of this pattern because of staying at my mother's last month. She won't get rid of things until she has checked with everyone in the family, so she never gets rid of anything. Thus, she lives in a perpetually out of control household. I don't know whether it is the squirrelly behavior of someone getting old, or whether it comes from OCD behavior or some other quirk of nature, but I am seeing my mother as further down the path that I could so easily go.

The best gift of having emigrating is the need to cull your belongings down to what matters. I no longer have too many of any one thing and I am beginning to ditch things early so I can handle them better. I purchased a book to help me organize my son's life : Organizing for those with ADD, and it has been a revelation about my own patterns with belongings, my inability to categorize an item or find it a place to be within my home.

I can see I am rambling, so for now: ci....
sort papers X and counting....
file papers X still going....
vacuum bedroom
plan dinner X
make complete to do list in microsoft office.....
take some quiet time
take a walk
pack up extra dishware to give to T
check in with C on homework
wash desk.....
recheck in in 2 hours....8 hours too late....

I am not totally unhappy with how today has gone: despite a general malaise and a 4 hour nap I still managed to dig into a hideous pile of paperwork and start filing. Paper being my main nemisis I feel good about that. Tomorrow I am no longer a single parent, for better or worse. However, the tension that may come in marriage from not making adequate progress can raise major demand resistance in me. In fact, I am the definition of demand resistance.

one thing at a time....

For tomorrow, the following would be good.....
pick up medicine
pay greek parking ticket
write letter on old bill
more taxes
write mom on holidays
go over homework
review annual report

Edge's CI - 8:48AM

K, I'm off to work. I think I'm actually going to be on time today :-D

X Morning Routine
- Cover 2 chapters
- Call prospectivework guys
- Reply to Jen
- Return 300 DVD to Saria
- Return magazine to Ghada
- Reschedyle with E

- Evening med
- Buy Q-tips
- Buy PLs
- Buy cat food

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 11:52AM

Turns out I've got the day off :-o Reached the office, got myself settled, started going through my work mail when one of my coworkers suddenly turns to me and asks me why I'd come today - it was my day off! My boss was apparently feeling benevolent when she was prepping the schedule :-) Won't find me complaining.

Took care of a few things and came back  home. So now I've got almost an entire day to do with as I please :grin: I must use this time wisely, for I have much studying to catch up on.

Going add things to my to-do list as I go.

X Morning Routine
- Call prospectivework guys
- Cover 2 chapters
X Return 300 DVD to Saria
X Return magazine to Ghada
- Reply to Jen
- Reschedule with E
- Voiceover

- Buy green med
- Buy Q-tips
- Buy PLs
- Buy cat food
- Evening med

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Running early

I'm running a bit early on my morning routine, so I'm going to research a few fitness programs to pass the time. Thinking of becoming more physically active. Can't hurt, right?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 5:34AM

Good morning, everyone :-)

- Morning Routine
- Cover 2 chapters
- Call prospectivework guys
- Reply to Jen
- Return 300 DVD to Saria
- Return magazine to Ghada

- Evening med
- Buy Q-tips
- Buy cat food

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

good morning!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Heh, g'morning ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Heh, g'morning 8)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson