Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Julie's 9:45 CI

I'm leaving early for a conference tomorrow so I'm going to try to get to bed a little earlier tonight. This is the conference I went to last week and it was actually scheduled for tomorrowEmbarassed. Hopefully it will be a good conference for all the driving time I've put in!

Leave for vets by 7:45-Left at 8  ):
Pick up rental car by 9 am-on time for this one (:
Check on student
Check on due dates for college funding
Tuition form for trip
Schedule appt. with J.

Still to do:
Review section 2 and take quiz-Will work on this tomorrow. It definitely needs to be done by Friday
Write for 15 minutes-Can't seem to do this one
Grade AG week 1

These need to be done but can wait:
Pick up clothes from cleaners
2 loads of laundry
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

Hugs to Dewdrop


Journey CI 9 pm

Well, I conventiently left my paperwork on my desk at work so I can't do it tonight :grin:

Two work things to carry over to tomorrow:
Status Report
Update Change Request

And two personal business things:
SL form page 2 of 6 (10 minutes tops)
Oct Budget - planning (just do 10 minutes)

Here's to a productive Thursday everyone


Dewdrop's CI, 3:20PM PST

Okay, here goes. I'm going to get started on this blasted work-related project that I was supposed to complete 2 weeks ago. Actually I was supposed to finish it 6 weeks ago, but managed to get an extension in between. Pathetic situation, but there's no way out of it other than to just do it. I need to get this out of my head - it's all I think about but I never do it.

Will check in again in 30 minutes to report my progress.

dewdrop's first ci

Hey Dewdrop, gratz on your first CI.  It's a step in the right direction!


Can't :(

I can't do this. I just can't. I don't even want to. :((

it was good you checked in

I understand - been there, done that. It's good you checked in rather than just disappearing. Eventually you will find the willingness and you'll do it, as long as you keep trying. Keep checking in.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey CI 6:15

-Gym (was four minutes late for class)
-hardware guy delivered fixed computer
-PA phone meeting woo hoo
-daily planning
-Work on project #2 2.5 hours
-Staff meeting
-Project #3 meeting

Postponed til tomorrow:
-Update change request for this weekend
-Sept. status report
-configuring and reinstalling s/w on laptop - limit to half an hour, just set up printers and network drives today, this is an area that I could mess around with all day and get nothing else done if I don't watch it.
-IF TIME look at SAD - this is not high priority

-Call the pharmacy again
-fold and put away one load of laundry
-SL form, page 2 of 6 - 10 minutes
-Oct. budget - planning - 10 minutes
-prep for tomorrow

Check in tonight sometime . .. . nineish


Rexroth 22.30 BST

Hi I'm just back and I mean just I've been home about an hour. Tonight I'm checking my emails and tomorrow after a sleep I'll make a proper list of things to do.


Rexroth 23.46 BST

All emails done and now for sleep

Night Rexroth

Late start list

I like the book-end idea, so I'll try it!
Today, I will:

Start cleaning my desk off.
Make supper
Clean kitchen
Start on doll costume (cut out pieces)

I'm getting over long illness, so my list is kinda short,
I'm trying to get my energy back and fighting inertia and
life-long procrastination.  I keep forgetting what I was doing, too!



glad to hear you're getting well, and glad to have you in here with us. 


scarlett CI 1:45 pm EST

Dude, I rock.  That is all.

Ta da:
Check on license
Eat breakfast
Email S & BJT re: WR
Take pill
Put f/u on to-do for next wk
Call P from CC (lm)
Check bus (11:05)
Call J (LM)
Type up/enter review 1
Assessment for PF
Call Sid
Send info to AA
Email J
Set away msgs
Start to-do for next wk
Email TH

Do review 2
Type up/enter review 2


You go girl!


Amy's CI 12:34

I have a dentist appointment this evening that is supposed to last an hour.  I am going to try to work on homework or pick up around the house if I feel okay afterwards.


Homework (1 hour)
Drop box

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Read day 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 
4. Finish gift
5. Put to do lists in binders
6. Turn in work hours
7. Pledge
8. Finish vaccuming
9. Put laundry away
10. Put grades in gradebook
11. Make english notes

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Get jewelry box 
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage

Amy's CI

I have a dentist appointment this evening that is supposed to last an hour.  I am going to try to work on homework or pick up around the house if I feel okay afterwards.


Drop box- Type up answers

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Finish gift
4. Put to do lists in binders
5. Pledge
6. Finish vaccuming
7. Put laundry away
8. Put grades in gradebook

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Get jewelry box 
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage

Journey CI 11 am

Good morning - hard to go back to work today after being off yesterday, like having two Mondays in a week!

-Gym (was four minutes late for class)
-hardware guy delivered fixed computer
-PA phone meeting woo hoo
-daily planning

-Work on project #2 2.5 hours
-Staff meeting
-Project #3 meeting
-Update change request for this weekend
-Sept. status report
-configuring and reinstalling s/w on laptop - limit to half an hour, just set up printers and network drives today, this is an area that I could mess around with all day and get nothing else done if I don't watch it.
-IF TIME look at SAD - this is not high priority
-Call the pharmacy again
-fold and put away one load of laundry
-SL form, page 2 of 6 - 10 minutes
-Oct. budget - planning - 10 minutes
-prep for tomorrow

Have a nice day all

After staff meeting, take a 45-min break and then check in by 1300.  I usually have trouble transitioning back to work mode after taking a lunch break.   




lunch break's over, back to work.



caught myself slipping off into internet surfing a couple of times but pretty much been focusing on Project #2 for 2 hours.  Taking a 15 min break then back to work! 


OK, so it was a 30-minute break

But I'm back


Project #2

TWO people have asked me about my overdue project today - well it's not overdue yet, but it is behind and the deadline is looming.  I was embarrassed to admit that I was behind on it and pretended it was because I have been so busy on Project #1, which is a higher priority project.  But you guys know the truth! 


Way to go!I made some

Way to go!

I made some progress in the AM, but have had trouble getting back on the "to do" list this afternoon - feeling very overwhelmed by all the things lurking that need to be done beyond the short list for the day/this afternoon.  (I've been using the bat instead of the feather as M recommended this morning!)

Any ideas on how to get back on track???


Yep, I have that same problem too.  When I'm trying to work on one thing I think about a million others - or else I try to multitask (as you know from this morning lol!)  I'm trying to work on just working on one thing at a time, and if something else occurs to me, I make a note of it and move on.  Or I try to.  Usually if I think about something I'm interested in, I'll google it and there goes an hour. 


scarlett CI 10:50 am EST

This may be my last CI for a few days... I have a lunch meeting and then I'm taking off.  Did pretty well today, all things considered.

Ta da:
Check on license
Eat breakfast
Email S & BJT re: WR
Take pill
Put f/u on to-do for next wk
Call P from CC (lm)
Check bus (11:05)
Call J (LM)
Type up/enter review 1 (started)

To do:
Assessment for PF (started)
Call Sid
Set away msgs

Do review 2
Type up/enter review 2

scarlett CI 10:15 am EST

Priority:  Call J, type up review, check bus
Next CI:  10:45 am

Ta da:
Check on license
Eat breakfast
Email S & BJT re: WR
Take pill
Put f/u on to-do for next wk
Call P from CC (lm)

To do:
Call J
Assessment for PF
Type up/enter review 1 (started)
Do review 2
Type up/enter review 2

scarlett CI 9:15 am EST

Lots to do this morning - leaving after lunch.

Priority:  Dishes, breakfast, pill, f/u.
Next CI:  10 am

Ta da:

Check on license

To do:
Eat breakfast
Put f/u on to-do for next wk
Take pill
Call J
Call P from CC
Assessment for PF
Reviews 1, 2, 3

pro's CI - 9:10am

I haven't quite worked out the routine yet. I got up at 7am (not convinced it shouldn't be 6am). I found that I couldn't do the filing while eating breakfast because I want to sit still and enjoy my breakfast! Now I'm running late and I have a choice - do my 15 minutes of filing and 20 minutes of exercise and make myself even more late or (again) skip it. I'm going to skip it and get up earlier tomorrow. I don't want to be any later than I am.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Wednesday morning CI for Lark

I haven't been posting for a few days. Lots of things going on, and plans seem to get shredded. I hope to focus on one project for work today, as it's very urgnent. I also want to combine a couple of errands with a 12 step meeting, and do something on the homefront that's meaningful. Will check in later with specifics.

Julie's Wednesday AM CI

Leave for vets by 7:45
Pick up rental car by 9 am
Check on student
Review section 2 and take quiz
Write for 15 minutes
Grade AG week 1
Check on due dates for college funding
Tuition form for trip

These need to be done but can wait:
Pick up clothes from cleaners
2 loads of laundry
Schedule appt. with J.
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

Hope everyone has a great day!

preparing for Wednesday

When I get up, the first thing I'll do is make breakfast. Then I'll work on my pile for 15 minutes, then exercise.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.