Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Julie's 12 am CI

Morning routine
Review section 1 of Spanish and take quiz
Email Debbie
Check assgn. and email student
Set up student calendar
Feed pets
Vet appt. 2:10
Check to see which students I need to see Wednesday
Rental car
Think about possible clinical sites for Tammie and Sharon
Clean kitchen-15 minutes

These are the really important things:
Review section 2 and take quiz
Write for 15 minutes

These need to be done but can wait:
Pick up clothes from cleaners
2 loads of laundry
Schedule appt. with J.
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

pro's CI - 10:40pm

I'm ready for bed, but don't feel like going to bed. I will anyway. I'm setting the alarm for 7am, and I'm turning out the lights at 11pm. I can do that much towards dealing with my pile. Then in the morning I'll try to use my time better. Maybe I'll start the thread for tomorrow.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10pm

I started discussing my procrastination problem with my therapist. I told her that I work best when I first get up, so what I'm supposed to be trying it setting the alarm for 7am and working on my pile for 15 minutes when I first get up. That means I have to go to bed now - no procrastinating on that.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey CI 8:30

Did everything on my list   :-D


Journey CI 8 pm

Oops I didn't make my 4 pm checkin - need to start checking in when I plan to, to keep me honest!

Anyway, pretty good today, I did almot everything on my list!   I'm still finishing up the dishes and haven't done my item of mending.  Gonna go do that stuff right now.  Then I'm done for the day! 


Cleaning house

Hi all you busy people!

I have some great changes going on in my life -- great, but distracting!  Having a hard time focusing on the mundane stuff that needs to get done.
Next I intend to do a (10 + 2) * 5 hack on some housework.  I'll check in after that.

Dusting, too

Done!  & got some dusting done, too.
Answer email
Email J. about vet
Plan appointments
Look up financial site
Might not get all that done before bedtime, but that's o.k. -- I can at least put a dent in it.

scarlett CI 3:05 pm EST

Ta da:
The memo!!!!  Yay!!!
Eat lunch
Leave slips

To do:
Email PF
Review plan
Update to-do

scarlett CI 2:00 pm EST

Finally finished the memo and took rather a long break to celebrate and do some personal stuff.  Time to get back to it.

Ta da:
The memo!!!!  Yay!!!

To do:
Eat lunch
Leave slips
Email PF
Review plan

N's Check In

I'm having a lot of troubling sitting down and working today.  Got started late.  Keep taking breaks.  Keep getting up.  Keep doing all sorts of things that are not my focus (dissertation work).  I know why too:  I'm supposed to actually "write" today.

So, counterintuitively, perhaps, I'm taking a 10 min web surfing break.  Will check back.

Thank you all as usual!



How's it going, Nan?

N's Check in

Oops:  forgot to check in after my break, so I"m doing it now. 

To do:  Stretch
          Get back to work

Julie's 12:45 CI

Morning routine
Review section 1 of Spanish and take quiz
Email Debbie
Check assgn. and email student

These are the really important things:

Review section 2 and take quiz
Set up student calendar
Write for 15 minutes
Feed pets
Vet appt. 2:10
Check to see which students I need to see Wednesday
Rental car
Think about possible clinical sites for Tammie and Sharon

These need to be done but can wait:
Pick up clothes from cleaners
2 loads of laundry
Schedule appt. with J.
Clean kitchen-15 minutes
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

Journey CI Noon

-Gym (was 3 minutes late to class)
-Personal email - 1 hour
-Work email - 30 minutes
-Laundry - 1 hour
-Print out AO - 5 min

-Vacuum bedroom - 30 minutes
-dinner - spaghetti, salad, garlic toast
-dishes - 1 hour
-SL form - Page 1 of 6, 10 minutes
-Sept. budget - just make the list, 10 minutes
-vacuum car trunk while it's still empty and fill up washer fluid - 30 minutes
-one item from the mending pile - 30 minutes
-water plants - 5 min
-Feed birds - 5 min
-Change cat litter - 10 min
-sweep and mop upstairs hall 30 min
-Prep for tomorrow - 10 min
-Put a new audio book on mp3 player -  
-Call drugstore - Did Dr. D. call in prescript? - 5 min

Next Check in 4 pm.


Julie's 8:45 CI

These are the really important things:
Morning routine
Review section 1 of Spanish and take quiz
Review section 2 and take quiz
Set up student calendar
Email Debbie
Write for 15 minutes
Feed pets
Vet appt. 2:10
Check to see which students I need to see Wednesday
Rental car
Check assgn. and email student
Think about possible clinical sites for Tammie and Sharon

These need to be done but can wait:
Pick up clothes from cleaners
2 loads of laundry
Schedule appt. with J.
Clean kitchen-15 minutes
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

pro's CI - 9am

I just spent the last half hour looking through movies on Netflix. :(

I really need to move!!!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's first check-in - 8:30am

I'm off to a bad start this morning. I got up at 7:55am.

I wish I'd stop having such weird bad dreams. The night before last I bit my tongue in my sleep until it bled, and it still hurts.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.



Journey CI 7 am

I was just productive as a mofo yesterday - why?  Because my computer is getting a new hard drive and I knew I had to turn it in to the hardware folks at 3 pm.  So I got more done by 3 than I usually get done by 6!.  Hmmm.  Wonder if I could somehow trick myself into doing that every day? 

I still didn't get everything done that was on my list and I really did work hard, so that tells me my planning is still unrealistic, even though I'm trying to make a quality to do list every day. 

Today is a day off for me since I worked over the weekend.  I need to get some chores done around the house -  I don't plan on working real hard today - but on the other hand, I don't want to spend all day playing video games either. 

Gym (was 3 minutes late to class)

Personal email - 1 hour
Work email - 30 minutes
Laundry - 1 hour
Vacuum bedroom - 30 minutes
dinner?? check the freezer and see what I can come up with w/o going to the store - 2 hours?
dishes - 1 hour
SL form - Page 1 of 6, 10 minutes
Sept. budget - just make the list, 10 minutes
vacuum car trunk while it's still empty and fill up washer fluid - 30 minutes
one item from the mending pile - 30 minutes
water plants - 5 min
Feed birds - 5 min
Print out AO - 5 min
Change cat litter - 10 min
sweep and mop upstairs hall 30 min

Right now I get 30 minutes of free video game time!
It's funny, when I am "allowed" computer play time, it's not nearly as much fun as it is when I'm using it for procrastination. 

Have a great Tuesday everyone.


Unrealistic planning

I did the same thing yesterday. I worked all day and into the evening and still didn't get everything done that was on my list. I think it's because I've let myself get behind and I guess it's going to take a while to get caught up. I would like to get to a point where I just quit "work stuff" at 5 pm and could just relax in the evening. Hope you have a good day and enjoy your free video game time (:


yep yep

Roger that. 


Amy's CI


Work 2 1/2 hours

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Get jewelry box 
3. Vaccum
4. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
5. Work 1, 2, hours and 10 minutes    and  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 hours
6. Read day 11, 12, 13 
7. Make Christmas list
8. Clean out garage
9. Make lesson plans for one week- MUST COMPLETE- 7
10. Make lesson plans for one week- 8
11. Pledge
12. Finish gift
13. Put to do lists in binders
14. Deposit check
15. Pay bills
16. Transfer money
17. Set up to pay bill online
18. Turn in work hours
19. Finish forum

Check in by midnight

Amy's Late CI


I wasn't feeling well last night so I decided to do an hour of homework and walk instead of working.  I am going to switch my working schedule to Thursday. 

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Get jewelry box 
3. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
4. Work 1, 2, hours and 10 minutes    and  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 hours
5. Read day 11, 12, 13 
6. Make Christmas list
6. Clean out garage
8. Pledge
9. Finish gift
10. Put to do lists in binders
11. Turn in work hours