Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mollie's CI 4:11pm

Spend 15 mins clearing desk
Check-in again at 4:26pm

Mollie's CI 4:27pm

Go to PO
Go to drug store
Call KF

Spend 15 mins clearing desk
Check-in again at 4:26pm

Mark 1:48 PM EST CI

To Do:

  • finish novel I'm reading
  • return library books/DVDs
  • cardio
  • test remote search query against representative test data
  • integrate remote search with results page
  • implement AJAX "please wait" msg while remote search results loading
  • review bugzilla items and create estimates for remaining P1s and P2s
  • implement item 923
  • research new design for handling MIRC import
  • set up MIRC development branch
  • MIRC handling for new element
  • replace XML::Simple with more sophisticate parser that can handle the embedded XHTML correctly
  • read article in the NY Review of Books
  • practice guitar -- work on Robinson lute piece and Bach 1st Cello Suite
  • finish Battle of Wits
  • clean office
  • clean off coffee table in living room
  • put away laundry
  • clean off kitchen counter
  • clock 7+ hours of billable work!


  • pay bills
  • dentist appointment
  • mail insurance payment
  • outreach -- make configurable


scarlett CI 12:45 pm EST

Late on the check-in but I've been busy, so that's okay.

Priority:    Eat lunch and enter BB comments, then mtgs from 1-3 pm.
Next check-in: 3 pm

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Go to meeting
Check voicemail
Call SL (LM)
Call JA
Call CF
Rearrange space

To do:
Enter comments (H/BB)
Type up/enter comments (B)
Make sign & post
Call CF again (weekend?)
Call TH re: seats
Email MT re: seats
Call TC re: sign material

scarlett CI 10:30 am EST

Slow start today:   had a meeting first thing but I've stalled since then.  I need to type up my notes from that meeting and I've got some little fires that really need putting out before they set my butt aflame!  I'm frustrated on one project - we're so close to making it work, but I just don't think it's going to happen this time, and that disappoints me.  So I'm resentful and don't want to do anything. 

Need to take a good look at what is actually under my control - a lot of this really isn't.  The stuff that isn't? Need to let it go.

Priority:  Call SL.  Next check-in - 11:15 am.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Go to meeting
Check voicemail

To do:
Enter comments (H/BB)
Type up/enter comments (B)
Call TH re: seats
Email MT re: seats
Call TC re: sign material

8:45am CI for Lark

I feel lazy today. There. Now that I've said it, I feel a sort of releif, and feel better! Generally speaking, if anyone sees I'm here, there's a good chance I can spare a few minutes for a mini-meeting in the chatbox. Perhaps we can start meetings that way.
morning routine
order supplies
call Dave
double check work project
start next project
clean out car
normal house cleaning swoop
normal workshop cleaning swoop
make a start on next work project
check in here

lazy day...

Me, too!  It's rainy out, which makes me sleepy, and and I'm experiencing some serious demand resistance.  I've had a really busy week so far and now I'm just balking and goofing on the web, reading blogs.

Gmarie - 11:20 PM PST

Gmarie - late, late, LATE check-in =(
My check-ins are getting later and later...
* email Terry
* identify outdated links on CWCS testing page
* make notes on printout
* redo and send to Catherine
* work on portfolios
* update CELDT database
* package up CELDT tests for return
* continue work on WASC stats, tables, text

FINISHED - I need to see my progress for more than just a few minutes at the end of each day!!! ;)
X sent in student transfer information
X called Ardath X Colleen X Rebeca
X called Theresa
X printed out community profile X assessment spreadsheet X CWCS site testing info.
X added CELDT X Scantron and X AYP/API info. to assessment spreadsheet
X work on WASC stats, tables, text
X call or email HOA about CC&Rs
X pay Allstate

last day

I have been having anxiety attacks about the things I have not completed. Much of what has not been completed has caught up with me. Because I work on the academic year and my contract is annual I am concerned that I will not be rehired next year. So, for today....

made bed
took shower
dressed and bijoued
sort and file
straighten desk tops
lable what is complete
finish letter
compile recommendations
shop for sheets
plan menu and schedule for guests
check on upper office

and do it one task at a time....

I "feel your pain"...

It's still amazing to me how many people are out there experiencing the SAME things that I am - anxiety attacks, worry about being "found out" or "coming up short" at work, feeling overwhelmed to the point of distraction or downright depression. And then there are the people who seem to be on top of most things, who don't have this debilitating behavior pattern. I don't get it. =/ Anyway, you are certainly NOT alone!

thank you


I signed on in the middle of an attack over the overwhelming work that will not be completed - and more, the work that WAS completed, is impossible to see. I find myself resorting to self-soothing behaviors: playing spider solitaire on the computer until I calm down, eating unnecessarily, having other conversations - in short, doing anything to avoid the FEELINGS!

it was so helpful to see a response to my writing.

It's nice to know that we're not alone!

I do ALL of the same things, except I look at YouTube videos or research global warming instead of doing my work to avoid those anxious feelings. I am trying many of the ideas I've read about on this site, and although I'm still struggling, it HAS gotten a little better. (I quit binging on Hershey bars, Skittles and Hot Tamales, for one thing! =/)


gmarie, have you ever been to a face to face meeting within this program