Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 18 June 2007

Gmarie - late, late, LATE check-in =(

X send in student transfer information
X call Ardath X Colleen X Rebeca
* call Terry
X call Theresa
X print out community profile X assessment spreadsheet X CWCS site testing info.
* add CELDT X Scantron and AYP/API info. to assessment spreadsheet
* work on WASC stats, tables, text
* identify outdated links on CWCS testing page
* redo and send to Catherine
* work on portfolios
* update CELDT database
* package up CELDT tests for return

* find out about overflow tank for Sable
* call or email HOA about CC&Rs
X pay Allstate
* update movie queue

Mark 2:49 PM EST CI

by 6 pm:

  • XML search implemented
  • new wirmlet using XML search
  • test XML search vs. production

Plan for Today

P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, Learn

My plans for the day:
*Apply to Cal Poly;
*Work on Tax Return for Client 1;
*Work on Tax Return of Client 2;
*Ride bike for an hour;
*Attend class tonight;
*Check into on-line class;

Pick up decaf Mocha after class

Debrief of the Day

P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, Learn

My plans for the day:
X Apply to Cal Poly - Applied for Winter 2008 session;
x Work on Tax Return for Client 1 - I started, but didn't give it the time I wanted to. I got distracted by an hour long web concert of Mandy Moore - Of All Things!!
*Work on Tax Return of Client 2 - Didin't start - Only have to try to fit in tommorrow
X Ride bike for an hour - hit the eliptical machine instead;
X Attend class tonight - Class was good, looks like a light workload for homework... whew!
X Check into on-line class - checked in an started on first lesson;

Pick up decaf Mocha after class - No Reward for me

I didn't get to Client 2's return because I procrastinated searching on-line for info on news of the Tenn crash. Then I ran across an hour long Mandy Moore web-cast concert, and just HAD to watch that. :)

I'm going to try and save my workouts as rewards for my work during the day. As my teacher said tonight in class, "Use the things you like to do, to pull the things you don't like to do out of you." It's just so common for me to say, "Oh, I'll work out now, feel better, and then get to my work." I hardly ever get the work done afterwards.

9:00am ci for Lark (and 11:15pm

Hi everyone. I hope you do well today. It's time to finish some things here, and I find that much harder to do than to start new things. Does anyone identify with that? Any ideas would be welcomed.
(X)morning routine
(X)order supplies
(X)finish project A
(I'm getting close)finish project B
(X)house cleaning swoop
workshop cleaning swoop
prepare for next work project
(X)check prescription prices
(X)check in again at lunch