Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Checking In for June 16
I'm going to set my timer for 30 minutes and just start typing notes for my transportation engineering test on Tues, June 20. Yesterday I copied notes for management test on Wed, June 21. It was such an awkward feeling. Doing something so early. Felt very anxious, but kept at it:)
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so how did you do?
tl - did you keep your bookend commitment?
Good luck tl!
Isn't it weird getting ready for something on time? LOL! I've actually been early with things lately, and felt a bit aimless once the job was done (of course, the answer was to take a guilt-free break, then start another job - but it ~was~ a strange feeling!).
Good luck with your test tomorrow - let us know how it goes.