Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Sunday 13 May 2007
Welcome to Sunday.
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liliissy C I 1:19 pm est
Sunday 5-13-07
To do list:
Mollie's CI 7:45am
Straighten kitchen
Feed cat
Put dishes away
Send chk to HR
Mollie's Missing Final CI
x Breakfast
x Feed cat
x Put dishes away
x Shower
x Take day trip
Straighten kitchen
Send chk to HR
Rexroth 06.04 BST
Up bright and early this morning and feeling good.
Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with emails phone messages
write journal
finish letter to landlord (this is a priority)
clean up flat
wash up
put washing machine on
plan week
psychology homework
craft work
plan trip
that wil do for now
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 12.35 BST
Finished letter to landlord and copies to advocate. I will post it later. There is a little more work I need to do on the file but not today. I've also washed up and, not on my list, sorted out various bills to pay and done some accounting. I need to clean my flat more and then I'm not sure. I felt very depressed when I looked at the landlord file and I'm still not out of that depression.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 22.15 BST
A fair bit done and so to bed.
Night Folks Rexroth