Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday July 4, 2023

Have a productive Tuesday! For those in the US, Happy Fourth of July!

work   It doesn't depend on



It doesn't depend on me exclusively

Avoidance reinforces avoidance don't have prep steps jump right in 

If something is worth doing it's worth doing badly



1. As many CPD reflections as possible on BAD AAD BSID meetings focus on the big meetings- keep them shorter

2. Justify QIA - the learnings from the letter





Vits and dmann 

Daily readings 





Extras if bare minimum completed


  1. PDP
  2. Justify QIA
  3. Review of GMC GMP domains 
  4. Reflect on my CARE4ME so far
  5. Find teaching of Hiba rheum from 2017/2018 -CAN'T FIND ?? uom, gmail, sr  ? 



  1. Reflect on clincial cases from past 3 weeks -DOING
    1. Complete reflection on my cases from 15th June
    2. do reflection from 1st and 8th june - could do next thursday 
    3. Find LE audit data from PBU -   QI activity for my research work

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Take out trash (Done)

2. Take out recycling (Done)

3. Put medicine away

4. Wash dishes

5. Clear kitchen counter

6. Wash and dry clothes

7. Go through my mail (Done)

8. Go through my e-mail (Done)