Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Wednesday!
x brush and floss my teeth gently right now.
x take vitamins
Cardio video X2
x Start dishwasher
Highest leverage action is spend twenty minutes writing email to Aaron or whoever is relevant at windsor
x jogging
Ongoing list:
Get health provider to fill out paperwork for leave.
File for DI.
Straighten out my hours for the week I left work
Make an appointment with dentist.
Get haircut
Get car vacuumed and plastic remoted from trunk liner
Talk to mother
Fix sleeping schedule
Add protectant to my Charge 5
Add seal to my Inspire 2
Call Dr G's office to get information about providers for top surgery.
Schedule an appointment for surgery
negotiate lease contract
sign lease contract.
Ship the Yahoo mac back to employer
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
Checkin: 06/21/23: 5:05pm
x brush and floss my teeth gently right now.
x take vitamins
Cardio video X2
x Start dishwasher
Highest leverage action is spend twenty minutes writing email to Aaron or whoever is relevant at windsor
x jogging
Ongoing list:
Get health provider to fill out paperwork for leave.
File for DI.
Straighten out my hours for the week I left work
Make an appointment with dentist.
Get haircut
Get car vacuumed and plastic remoted from trunk liner
Talk to mother
Fix sleeping schedule
Add protectant to my Charge 5
Add seal to my Inspire 2
Call Dr G's office to get information about providers for top surgery.
Schedule an appointment for surgery
negotiate lease contract
sign lease contract.
Ship the Yahoo mac back to employer