Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday June 20, 2023

From the PA Tools for Recovery: Do Highest Impact Tasks First: Procrastinators struggle with what to do first. If you prioritize tasks according to their value to your life and well-being, you won’t run out of time or energy for what matters most. Pray for help with feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and indecision. 

Checkin: 06/20/23: 3:44pm

x Highest leverage action is to brush my teeth gently right now.

x Take walk for at least 15 minutes outside without phone.

x Take shower.

x Laundry transfer


Ongoing list:

Get health provider to fill out paperwork for leave.

File for DI.

Straighten out my hours for the week I left work

Make an appointment with dentist.

Get haircut

Get car vacuumed and plastic remoted from trunk liner

Talk to mother

Fix sleeping schedule

Add protectant to my Charge 5

Add seal to my Inspire 2

Call Dr G's office to get information about providers for top surgery.  

Schedule an appointment for surgery

X Sew my sock

negotiate lease contract

sign lease contract.

Ship the Yahoo mac back to employer