Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
X Wake up at 7:35AM
X Shower
X Get ready for work
X Leave at 8:50AM
X Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema
X Movie (7:15PM)
X OT check
X NT check
X Wash dishes
X Prep tomorrow's lunch
X Prep tomorrow's to-do
X In bed by 12AM (more like 1AM :-()
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
The last weekend was an absolute gong-show. Very little work until Sunday night, and then an all-nighter. For tomorrow, I have to: Finish the Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary, and Conclusion for BizCom report. Finish the Database Lab Sleep. A lot.
Making progress on high & medium priority things. But it is such slow going. Doing research & writing on the high priority thing. It just feels like moving through molasses. Can't tell whether I'm really being slow or just feeling that way b/c of the pressure to get the thing done (since it's overdue). But, looking on the bright side, I am working on it, which is more than I did all weekend. Some progress is better than none at all. :)
X Wake up at 7:35AM
X Shower
X Get ready for work
X Leave at 8:50AM
X Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema
X Movie (7:15PM)
- OT check
X NT check
X Wash dishes
X Prep tomorrow's lunch
X Prep tomorrow's to-do
- In bed by 12AM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Having a productive morning so far, after a weekend that was a total bust. It feels good to be getting important stuff done. I just tried an altered procrastination dash (10 mins. work + 2 mins. break *5). I think I like 16 mins. work + 4 mins. break *3 better. Sounds regimented, but I like it b/c it helps me focus and keeps me from time-bingeing. But after the hour, I need a little longer break. That's OK as long as I feel confident I'll get back on track soon. Luckily, at the moment, I do. :)
Sorry you aren't feeling well Pro. Hope it clears up asap. Today: (X)morning things extra meditation make week's schedule (X)call client (X)prepare for today's project (X)take relative for appt. (X)call next client
Change of plans. Had to take a few things off the list because will be going out later today.
X Wake up at 6AM
* NaNoWriMo till 7:00
* Wash yesterday's dishes
X Shower
* FH
* Breakfast
X Get ready for work
* Prep today's lunch
X Leave at 8:50AM
- Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema (today)
- OT check
- NT check
- Movies
- Oxy
- Call Tara
- Clean fishbowl
- Wash dishes
- Prep tomorrow's lunch
- Prep tomorrow's to-do
- In bed by 11-11:30PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Having guests sleep over totally threw me off my sched :(
X Wake up at 6AM (woke up at 7:35 :-()
* NaNoWriMo till 7:00 (no time :-( :-( )
* Wash yesterday's dishes (found sis doing them, had a fight, and left them for her)
X Shower (water went cold on me halfway)
* FH (no time)
* Breakfast (no time)
X Get ready for work
* Prep today's lunch (no time. Ended up leaving the house early and ditching my ride because of the fight. Couldn't find my wallet, so I'm probably going to starve today)
X Leave at 8:50AM (left 10 mins early. The only positive thing I did today)
- Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema (tomorrow)
- OT check
- NT check
- Oxy
- Call Tara (7:30PM)
- Clean fishbowl
- BD (L)
- NS site
- NS forum
- Wash dishes
- Prep tomorrow's lunch
- Prep tomorrow's to-do
- 15 min guitar
- In bed by 11-11:30PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Hi Edge,
So sorry you had a rough start to the day. Having houseguests always throws me completely off. And then having a fight on top it! I hope the rest of the day goes much better. Hang in there.
Edge's CI - 12:40AM
Night, everyone :-)
X Wake up at 7:35AM
X Shower
X Get ready for work
X Leave at 8:50AM
X Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema
X Movie (7:15PM)
X OT check
X NT check
X Wash dishes
X Prep tomorrow's lunch
X Prep tomorrow's to-do
X In bed by 12AM (more like 1AM :-()
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Gilvado - 3:29 MST
The last weekend was an absolute gong-show. Very little work until Sunday night, and then an all-nighter.
For tomorrow, I have to:
Finish the Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary, and Conclusion for BizCom report.
Finish the Database Lab
Sleep. A lot.
Mollie's CI 3:15pm
Making progress on high & medium priority things. But it is such slow going. Doing research & writing on the high priority thing. It just feels like moving through molasses. Can't tell whether I'm really being slow or just feeling that way b/c of the pressure to get the thing done (since it's overdue). But, looking on the bright side, I am working on it, which is more than I did all weekend. Some progress is better than none at all. :)
Edge's CI - 9:45PM
X Wake up at 7:35AM
X Shower
X Get ready for work
X Leave at 8:50AM
X Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema
X Movie (7:15PM)
- OT check
X NT check
X Wash dishes
X Prep tomorrow's lunch
X Prep tomorrow's to-do
- In bed by 12AM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Mollie's CI 11am
Having a productive morning so far, after a weekend that was a total bust. It feels good to be getting important stuff done. I just tried an altered procrastination dash (10 mins. work + 2 mins. break *5). I think I like 16 mins. work + 4 mins. break *3 better. Sounds regimented, but I like it b/c it helps me focus and keeps me from time-bingeing. But after the hour, I need a little longer break. That's OK as long as I feel confident I'll get back on track soon. Luckily, at the moment, I do. :)
9:41am CI, Lark
Sorry you aren't feeling well Pro. Hope it clears up asap.
(X)morning things
extra meditation
make week's schedule
(X)call client
(X)prepare for today's project
(X)take relative for appt.
(X)call next client
Edge's CI - 3:57PM
Change of plans. Had to take a few things off the list because will be going out later today.
X Wake up at 6AM
* NaNoWriMo till 7:00
* Wash yesterday's dishes
X Shower
* FH
* Breakfast
X Get ready for work
* Prep today's lunch
X Leave at 8:50AM
- Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema (today)
- OT check
- NT check
- Movies
- Oxy
- Call Tara
- Clean fishbowl
- Wash dishes
- Prep tomorrow's lunch
- Prep tomorrow's to-do
- In bed by 11-11:30PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Edge's CI – 7:41AM
Having guests sleep over totally threw me off my sched :(
X Wake up at 6AM (woke up at 7:35 :-()
* NaNoWriMo till 7:00 (no time :-( :-( )
* Wash yesterday's dishes (found sis doing them, had a fight, and left them for her)
X Shower (water went cold on me halfway)
* FH (no time)
* Breakfast (no time)
X Get ready for work
* Prep today's lunch (no time. Ended up leaving the house early and ditching my ride because of the fight. Couldn't find my wallet, so I'm probably going to starve today)
X Leave at 8:50AM (left 10 mins early. The only positive thing I did today)
- Work till 6PM
X Check if still on for cinema (tomorrow)
- OT check
- NT check
- Oxy
- Call Tara (7:30PM)
- Clean fishbowl
- BD (L)
- NS site
- NS forum
- Wash dishes
- Prep tomorrow's lunch
- Prep tomorrow's to-do
- 15 min guitar
- In bed by 11-11:30PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Hang in there, Edge
Hi Edge,
So sorry you had a rough start to the day. Having houseguests always throws me completely off. And then having a fight on top it! I hope the rest of the day goes much better. Hang in there.
Thanks, Mollie :)
I'm actually feeling much better. The guys I work with are just great :) I can't be in a bad mood for long :-p
Found that I've got just enough cash for a burger, so once I've got some food in me I should feel much better, too.
Thanks for cheering me up :-D
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Good co-workers
How great to work with such nice people!
Aye, it is
Aye, it is :-) Makes all the difference.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway