Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I am back. I have a lot ahead of me. And I can do it.
Before I can plan out my masterplan, I want to do the following tomorrow, then plan my the next week (as one of tomorrows to-dos), and then plan my masterplan (as one of next weeks to-tos).
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Plan for KW06
get up at 7.15 [at 8, thats ok]
breakfast routine [not really but ate!]
get dressed and prepare work stuff (timetable, book, charged lt) [x]
leave at 8.45 [9.30, but i left after all!]
-work out lesson plan 2D [started, and worked on it for hours, but did not get finished. I lost myself in Details. need to break down into smaller stepps!]
-file ticket [x]
-scan quizzes [printer was occupied, but I prepared everything so it can be done quickly tmrw]
leave work at 17.10 for training [x]
work on file no. 2 in the evening (max 60 minutes!) [no time left]
drink tracker: 1/1,5
get up at 8.15 []
breakfast routine []
get dressed and prepare work stuff (1L stuff) []
leave at 9.45 []
-call NA
-grade papers
-scan quizes
-work out lesson plan for 1L []
leave work at 17.15 []
work on file no. 2 in the evening (max 60 minutes!) []
drink tracker: /1,5
get up at 7.15 []
breakfast routine []
get dressed and prepare work stuff (2L stuff) []
leave at 8.15 []
-work out lesson plan 2L []
leave work at XX for rehearsal []
work on file no. 2 in the evening (max 60 minutes!) []
drink tracker: /1,5
free day!
drink tracker: /1,5
get up at 7.15 []
breakfast routine []
get dressed and prepare work stuff (1L stuff) []
leave at 8.45 []
-work out lesson plan 1L []
leave work at XXXX for training []
work on file no. 2 in the evening (max 60 minutes!) []
drink tracker: /1,5
Work from 9-18.30 (or later, have to check!)
My to-dos - Sunday
send out marks (done)
print HW (done)
Research grammar work (1/2 hr) (done)
Research writing (1/2 hr) - not needed today
Recap HW (1 hr)
Look at essays (1 hr)
Prepare for Monday (1/2 hr.) -done
Look for answers (1/2 hr.) - partly done
Sunday 5.2.23
-wake up at 11 [nope]
-eat a small breakfast [/]
-finish instructions-file no 1 (15') [x]
-start with file no. 2 (45') [x]
-eat lunch [x]
-put together Ideas for ls (30') [x]
-tidy up (15') [nope]
-clean kitchen (30') [nope]
-swipe floors (30') [nope]
-have a snack [x]
-work on file no. 2 some more [x]
-make a plan for next week [halfway, need to put it on here]
-leave on time for dinner (18pm) [x]
drink count: 1/1,5