Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday September 14, 2021

My to do list - Tuesday

1:15 - 2 - Last week's lesson plan

2- 4 - Review work for Thursday

4 - 8 - Campaign

8 - 10 - PPT for Thursday

Hypatia's check-in


[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] clear desk

[x] minilist

[x] safeguarding briefing - add appendices


[ ] report Sustrans hours

[ ] finish accounts

[ ] budget for carpet

[ ] send emails

[ ] email backlog


[x] safeguarding briefing - Pat's amendments

[ ] OU course

[ ] lace


This week's projects

[ ] AM minutes

[ ] complete accounts

[x] safeguarding

[ ] OU induction