Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 12th September, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Sunday

5 - 6 - Update last term

6 - 7 - dinner, visit with friends

7 - 8 - Finish last term

8 - 9 - Call Mom, finish May- June term

9 - 10 - March - April term 

10 - 11- Jan. Feb. term

11 - 1 - update intake  

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Go to 12-Step meetings

2. Go to church


Short list - small Kaizen steps

13:32 a=9-10/10 


7.  things personal today 

1. physio exercises can do in chunks if prefer ALL DONE

2. prayer - rdns DONE and notes NOT DONE YET

3. Call D

4. Dishwasher and laundry X 1 DONE AND FURTHER LAUNDRY X1 --DONE - HANG UP ........

5. BE and WP 13:15-14:00 DONE 

6. Go to 715 c and 8am M DONE

7. SAY no to music gr tonight DONE

8. Nap DONE


4. things professional today

1. Read list of training items sent by Jack

  1. Decide if I will ask Jack if they recognise the ones I have done at SR? DONE
  2. Fill out hlt/Covid form - 


2. get a template for CPD DONE

3. make notes and reflect on the conference which I attended on Thursday in writing DONE YIPPEEE!! :) 

4. Note the parent website for all open tabs before closing them


Extras  for next week 

  1. Find out when the CARE4ME application opens - email organisation
  2. Find out when Sonia Hadley called me 
  3. Chase up my refund from CRMH



1. PA check in DONE