Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday September 8, 2021

Long list


One small step can change your life


Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed

Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these

Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs 

Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first



Go to library

Think through - write out thoughts re appl - use forms if needed

Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed

Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these

Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs 

Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first

Send this at least - ask what else is needed

Think through all aspects of pre-appl prep what's needed, the apprsl itself, managing things on the day, visualisation how it will look, what co-reg can I introduce

Find evidence in meantime 

Gather all files and folders 

Do the audit? 

Canc audit ? Done - tabulate

Notes from courses 

Reflections on cases

Virtual conference dermoscopy - check how long access is for 

DAB go through material and reflect





  1. Prepare for St M's appointment gather notes 
  2. Call Spire cancel appt DONE
  3. Order alf DONE
  4. update pay details DONE
  5. Email Lewis again ask if amendments can be added DONE
  6. David Grif - reply - DONE
  7. sympathy card for Mark c/o Rachel
  8. sympathy card for Marie
  9. Card for TR
  10. birthday card for Rachel
  11. Think about BMA and ESA viv via work and uni
  12. Plan W's bday 

Short list - grateful for another day

I will make a short doable list instead of the usual long list representing an accretion of incomplete tasks which is demoralising. The latter will be posted separately each day as an aide memoire - these tasks still need to be completed in chunks (as reflected by the shorter lists).




Set out a list for today DONE

Review of previous list DONE

walk 20 DONE

today's 1,2,G or similar and notes DONE BUT NOT NOTES

Mike's annual at night DONE

Night routine of yrasor DONE

CRMS document DOING

maria's / becky's exercises daily -takes 50 minutes! BEFORE LUNCH DO 15 MINUTES

drink water ++ DONE

further exercise e..g run 5k in afternoon DONE

aikon off OR SILENT  DONE

consider doing be WoPost, Bexp and ThRe prep sheets pre work today or when struggling with delaying tactics- DO TODAY



  1. Second year report - track changes and send ahead of my meeting Sept 20th
    1. consider photographic evidence of photosensitivity rash to complement the telephone history and self-report questionnaire
    2. Complete telephone component 
    3. systematic review with Kirsty ? Still feasible - ASK HER 
  3. View drmspy material before Sept 12th - make notes
  4. View ESPD material before Setp 26th - make notes
  5. Appraisal -
    1. gather and tidy into folders all the paperwork I have on the floor relating to the appraisal and put on desk in spare room 
    2. drmspy will contribute towards this
  6. Send table to JR DONE



  1. get meds from pharmacy
  2. review material whick becky sent to me 
    1. youtube video go through it 
    2. book - see how much second hand and either buy or read sample quickly 
    3. release exercises
  3. Prepare for appt with Patricia - direct the sessions to my own end and goals re. apprs, C4Me programme, not want to discuss MC.