Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday March 26, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list

4:30 - 6 - print listening transcript (done)

-calc. presentation marks (done)

- remark listening (done)

- mark reading (done)

6 - 7:30 - dinner (done)

call GP, do dishes

7:30 - 10 - phone call ME (done)

- print and mark grammar 

Also completed hw & participation not on list


hazyjane's check-in friday last Friday in March already....

Already done: prayer/meditation, exercises I do in bed before I get up, brushed teeth, breakfast, little exercise routine for knees/legs, put washing-up away, fed starter.

  • walk dog    done (but will need to do again...)
  • buy bread flour      done
  • call a couple of friends     
  • type up yesterday's writing in drama group, to send...
  • do more AW tasks - really ought to be on week 5 already! So... progress not perfection...
  • do volunteering 1-3pm maybe... (it's gardening, so not ideal for my back...)       no
  • more likely: attend 1pm meeting on zoom      yes
  • ring Ben to see if he needs me     done
  • keep looking for radio plug
  • zoom drama group 6:30-8:30
  • back yoga or some similar exercises...
  • buy/prep brother's present
  • Louise Hay affirmations       done
  • start bread dough
  • cinnamon swirls also (so good)


Hypatia's check-in

Must do
[x] school assembly online
[x] OU coursework
Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[ ] action emails (6 to go)

[ ] action minilist (5 to go)

[x] shopping

[ ] book boiler service

[x] ring Dawn

[ ] ring Alan (31:8 and audit)

[ ] ring Anne re holiday

[x] post Tony's typing

[x] pay plumber

[ ] review Woodbrooke meeting and read forum


Could do

[ ] TF report

[ ] tai chi

[x] gardening (deadhead hydrangeas)

[ ] housework

[ ] action from Q list (23 to go)

[ ] read EVA document

[ ] lace/knitting/embroidery

[ ] research electricity supplier