Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Already done: self-care, prayer and meditation, brushed teeth, attended a meeting (in Australia! First time, joys of Zoom and international fellowship). Have also fed Toffee and put withered flowers in compost bin.
write check-in done
look for radio mains plug (on list for quite a while now)
Sort out linen cupboard done
go through books to give away
think of a good 60th birthday present for my brother!
do AW chapter 3!! Finish off!!! begun
Drama group 12:30-2:30 done
Pick up vegbox done
Walk dog done
See if friend is in to give cake done
bake banana muffins done
do some garden-y stuff in my non-garden
do exercises - anything, just do something a little
read book done
bed EARLY and meditate using insight timer app yes, bed before midnight.
7:30 - 10- call Mom-
7:30 - 10
- call Mom (done)
- download & mark reading exams (downloaded all exams instead)
- look at writing (will do tomorrow)
- print rubrics (done)
- prepare HW (done)
- pdf grammar (done)
katia 3/25
hazyjane's check-in thursday
Already done: self-care, prayer and meditation, brushed teeth, attended a meeting (in Australia! First time, joys of Zoom and international fellowship). Have also fed Toffee and put withered flowers in compost bin.
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[x] action emails - inbox zero (March) day 17
[ ] action minilist (10 to go)
[x] rice pudding
[ ] post Tony's typing
[X] renew house insurance
[ ] pay plumber
[ ] review yesterday's meeting and read forum
[ ] OU coursework
Could do
[ ] book boiler service
[ ] ring Alan (31:8 and audit)
[ ] tai chi
[x] gardening
[ ] housework - kitchen
[ ] action from Q list (24 to go)
[ ] read EVA document
[ ] lace/knitting/embroidery
[ ] research electricity supplier