T-LA Daily Master Schedule
Good day all --
Workout routine [1 hours - 2 1/2 hours]:
[ ] Get ready for workout: make coffee, make smoothie, pack lunch for day, workout clothes, pack car - 15 to 30 minutes
[ ] Meet trainer and workout partner Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - 45 minutes to 2 hours incl driving. Work on showering and changing there
*use driving to return calls and check voicemail
[ ] Bootcamp via Zoom Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 1 hour 15 min incl set up iPad or do an alternative workout
[ ] Saturday Sunday - cycling or hiking or pickleball or tennis or online classes
[ ] Walk and walk dogs - get in 10,000 steps -
15 minutes warmup/warmdown -
[ ] Meditation a.m. - 20 minutes - [can do it if I arrive at meeting or gym early or do in jacuzzi]
Start Home Tasks/Get Ready for Day Routine 30 minutes [can do some during workout routine time]:
[ ] Pets water and food - 5 minutes
[ ] Box duty and clean up any dog mess outside - 5 minutes
[ ] Put load in laundry or dryer - 5-10 minutes
[ ] Shower/Get Dressed - 30 minutes
Start Work Routine:
[ ] Start beginning of day playlist [focus music]
[ ] Open time recording program
[ ] Clean up desk; get supplies; log onto computer, etc. - 15 minutes
[ ] Open prior setting document and identify #1 priority for the day [Project B] - 2 minutes
[ ] Open calendar and count available work blocks in - 2 minutes
[ ] Draft list for assistant - 5 minutes
[ ] Check calendar for this week, next week and month. Quick glance. 2 minutes
[ ] Check work voicemail and personal - list of calls - delegate if I can
[ ] Go through emails and identify action emails.
[ ] Open Evernote and update list. Keep open during day and update.
[ ] Open Nozbe and update list. Keep open during day and update.
[ ] Block out times 9 am to 6 pm. Start 1 block at a time. Print list of blocks for day or use calendar
[ ] Use Pomo technique or chatbox or other checkin
[ ] Timesheet for day - start and finish one from prior day
[ ] Send email to assistants on projects for day and asking for status.
[ ] Start end of day playlist [music]
[ ] 5 minutes: What did I do?
[ ] Journal: What did I not do?
[ ] Journal:How can I improve tomorrow?
[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Plan out tomorrow
[ ] 5 minutes: Last minute urgent emails
[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Last minute phone calls - set up for next day or later
[ ] 5 minutes: clean desk/office
[ ] 5 minute: REWARD: Log off computer and say "I'm done with an awesome day!"
Evening Routine - After Work - 1 hour:
[ ] Change clothes if needed - put away clothes: 15 min - get clothes for next day
[ ] Cook dinner - depends 15 min to 1 hour or order in to save time on cooking/cleaning. It's the cleaning that is a killer
[ ] Walk dogs - 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending
[ ] Load laundry or dryer - 5-15 min
[ ] Quick kitchen cleanup - 5-30 min
[ ] Meditation a.m. - 20 minutes - [can do it in jacuzzi]
[ ] Bed by 9:00 to 10:00 pm - Ideally earlier the better
Long Term Goals Personal Growth and Develoment and Fitness (Physical and Mental):
[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 SubGoals" for my Financial Goals - review if all filled out
[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 Travel/Experience Goals" - filled out half by 3/22;
[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 Books to Read Goals" - downloaded 20 on iBooks or Kindle; filled out one-half by 3/28 review if all filled out
[ ] Fill out Monthly Goals - review if all filled out. March
[ ] Coaching questions and watch video - hire?
[ ] Cycling goals of rides 30/50/60; Train to do 50 mile ride
[ ] Meditation - get consistent practice. Sign up for monthly TM business group
[ ] Tennis - set up lessons and weekly games. Text Will. Maybe Pickleball? Less time comitment/
[ ] Project Inbox ZERO. Spend 5 minute intervals on it! Look up YouTube video on
[ ] Block out billing Saturdays - get old bills out and create routine. Work at least 15 min day on a bill. Eat That Frog!
[ ] Get down to goal weight - Goal date 7/4/21 for beach trip & 7/21 for Seminar/Fun trip.
Lost 4 # as of 5/16 that includes muscle from training;
[ ] Be able to do 25 full pushups without stopping and 10 pull-ups without stopping
[ ] Train to hike Mt. Baldy
[ ]
House, Yard, Family Tasks and Things to Do
[ ] mother-in-law Physical Therapy for her; Get MIL out of HMO; pay assisted living for June; system to pay caregiver Zelle paid caregiver 6/12 ;
[ ] Client B trip to orphanages in Mexico; Work on asset giving program for charity
[ ] health insurance payment for me and 1 son who's not on other plan
[ ]
[ ] Research preventative care for animals. GPS collars for dogs? Doc on calorie reduction plan
[ ] Dog groomer - check plan for animals Booked for 6/26/21
[ ] Wash dog beds for May (washed one outside in May).
[ ] Leave list for housekeeper. Create notebook and master lists.
Started did Granite Maintenance List; Left list on 4/28;
[ ] Weekly dinners - Saturday (friends) and Sunday (family) plan
[ ] Send a card or note a week - gratitude
my do one a day was far too ambitious
[ ]
[ ] birthday gifts cards for June and July
[ ] condolence card for FB family - 7/21 celebration of life
[X] write letter to brother ; Call bro contact [can't reach and have tried] - write his contact
Fun or Stress Relieving Things to Do
[ ] Take dogs to dog park or for walk
[ ] Cycling [even if only 5 min]
[ ] Listen to book on Audible for 5 min
[ ] Jacuzzi - pick something to watch for fun when there
[ ] Listen to some good music for 5 minutes. Pick out something new.
[ ] Facial treatment at home
[ ] Facial treatment - facial make appointment use gift certificates
[ ] Massage - make appointment use gift certificates
[ ] Light favorite scented candles and take a bath
[ ] Work on ancestry in 15 min reward blocks [be careful it's easy to go down rabbit hole]
[ ] Make reservation at Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens and go!
WENT 5/14 and took good friend for her birthday. Great connection. Made one for this weekend. Make another one! Every other Tuesday tickets are released
-- 3/22 Covid has made my routine go so off kilter working at home most of the time. Need to be flexible.
3/28 Getting started right away. Limiting email or news or social media in morning to 15 min is key
4/9 - morning routine is getting better if I don't read news in morning
4/29 - better if I don't look at phone or iPad while in bed which causes me to dawdle there. replace with looking at phone while I make coffee.
5/16 GI Joe phallacy...knowing things is not half the battle. Putting it into practice is key.
5/26 last night had 2 glasses of wine...made me groggy this morning. better no alcohol during week
6/16 haven't had any alcohol or wine. just replaced with kombucha the last few days.
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Fri 4.9.21
Workout routine [1 hours - 1 1/2 hours]:
[X] Get ready for workout: Workout - DONE
15 minutes warmup/warmdown
[ ] Meditation a.m. - 20 minutes - [can do it if I arrive at meeting or gym early or do in jacuzzi]
[ ] Alcohol and Sugar Free April Experiment - Trainer plan
Start Home Tasks/Get Ready for Day Routine 30 minutes [can do some during workout routine time]:
[x] Pets water and food - 5 minutes
[X] Box duty and clean up any dog mess outside - 5 minutes
[X] Put load in laundry or dryer - 5 minutes
[X] Quick clean up kitchen; load or unload dishwasher - 15 minutes
[X] Shower/Get Dressed - 30 minutes
Start Work Routine:
[ ] Start beginning of day playlist [focus music]
[ ] Clean up desk; get supplies; log onto computer, etc. - 15 minutes
[X] Open prior setting document and identify #1 priority for the day [Project B] - 2 minutes
[ ] Open calendar and count available work blocks in - 2 minutes
[ ] Draft list for assistant - 5 minutes
[ ] Check calendar for this week, next week and month. Quick glance. 2 minutes
[X] Check work voicemail and personal - list of calls - delegate if I can
[ ] Go through emails and identify action emails.
[ ] Open Evernote and update list. Keep open during day and update.
[ ] Open Nozbe and update list. Keep open during day and update.
[X] Appts today: 9 am; 10 am conf call; 12 pm conf call; 1:00 pm prep with DB for our 2 pm; 2:00 pm;
[ ] Open Google Doc worksheet
[X] Check bank acount
[ ] Pay bills: make a list of bills; wells fargo credit card; life insurance; AMEX; gardner for April; NM; set up auto for NM; housekeeper cash today; VHC for March (due 4/30); property taxes uggg paid 1/3; pay rest property taxes;
[ ] Work on tax return - even if just 15 min
[ ] Groceries for day? Trash bags. Order delivered if needed
[ ] Make menu list for next week and weekend.
[ ] Pet food for next week. Can order from PETCO - 25% discount.
[ ] Block out times 9 am to 6 pm. Start 1 block at a time. Print list of blocks for day or use calendar
[ ] Huntington Museum get tickets
[ ] VISIT MOTHER-IN-LAW FRI; Pay caretaker for week
[X] Use Pomo technique or chatbox or other checkin DID STARTING AT 9:15 AM
[ ] Timesheet for day - start and finish one from prior day
[ ] Send email to assistants on projects for tomorrow and asking for status.
[ ] Send birthday card or call LL
[ ] Plan for LV birthday 4/13 and PL birthday 4/13; Dr S birthday - text or call
[ ] Social media greeting on birthdays - check
[ ] Plan Sunday dinner 4/12
[ ] Start end of day playlist [music]
[ ] 5 minutes: What did I do?
[ ] Journal: What did I not do?
[ ] Journal:How can I improve tomorrow?
[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Plan out tomorrow
[ ] 5 minutes: Last minute urgent emails
[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Last minute phone calls - set up for next day or later
[ ] 5 minutes: clean desk/office
[ ] 5 minute: REWARD: Log off computer and say "I'm done with an awesome day!"
Evening Routine - After Work - 1 hour:
[ ] Change clothes if needed - put away clothes: 15 min - get clothes for next day
[ ] Cook dinner - depends 15 min to 1 hour or Order Food
[ ] Vitamins - take if not done before and pack for tomorrow
[ ] Walk dogs - 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending
[ ] Get in 10,000 steps
[ ] Load laundry or dryer - 15 min IF during day due to new solar power
[ ] Quick kitchen and house cleanup - 15 min
[ ] Bed by 10:00 pm - Ideally earlier the better. Sleep vitamins/supplements Melatonin/MG