Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday March 13, 2021
“Spirituality is the sacred center out of which all life comes, including Mondays and Tuesdays and rainy Saturday afternoons in all their mundane and glorious detail.”
Christina Baldwin
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Things to do
Things I will do today
1. Prayer and meditation
2. Read devotionals
3. Clear tables near the computer
4. Go to the store (Done)
5. Put groceries away (Done)
6. Go to the library and print out materials (Done)
7. Get medicine ready for the next four weeks (Done)
8. Wash dishes
9. Clear kitchen counter
10. Clear stove
11. Put previously washed clothes away
12. Wash and dry clothes
13. Put clothes away
Hazyjane Saturday check-in
Already meditated, brushed teeth, walked dog and got bread in the oven.
Update as needed.
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[x] clear desk
[x] action emails - inbox Zero (March) day 8
[x] Purple Visit
[x] restring guitar
[x] action minilist - down to 0
[x] QIY book of members
[x] meter reading
[x] review MFS October
[ ] ironing
[ ] OU coursework
Could do
[ ] tai chi
[ ] exercise/gardening
[x] housework
[x] action from Q list - down to 28
[x] lace/knitting/embroidery