Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday March 9, 2021

Hazyjane's belated to-do-list/check-in

the main thing I still need to get done is a task from The Artist's Way workbook, week 2,

Set small and gentle goals and meet them...


I've been putting it off because of course, that's the riddle in a nutshell: how to procrastinate when the instruction is so perfectly clear that it literally smashes to smithereens any and all excuses to procrastinate. It's like the Mission Impossible tape (the 70's tv series, not the slick film franchise...), once the action is set in motion, it must be done...

So, I need about three, a minimum of three, maximum of six, small, gentle and achievable goals, to do with writing, as that's what I feel my strongest creative suit is, and I want to have this short list written down and committed to by 11.30pm tonight.

Plus: have a bath                                                                             all done and it feels good innocent

Plus: change my bed linen.

Okay.... (why is it such a big deal? It doesn't actually have to be...)

InnerTruth's to-do list - Tuesday

  1. review w, l, & G tests - 2:30 -4
  2. pick up shoes 4 to 5:30
  3. run
  4. AD tests 5:30 - 7
  5. dinner , call GP 7 - 8
  6. Kahoot! 8 - 9
  7. call GP 9 -10
  8. prepare for Wed. class 10 -11




FROG    Work  Complete the

  1. Complete the task of comparing responses to their previous postal questionnaires
  2. Extract the other details too for each of the interviews NOT DONE YET 
  3. Write a summary piece including acknowledgment of the limitations of this approach to CTD PS assessment while also noting the superiority of this over relying exclusively on the self-reported postal questionnaire responses
  4. Submit the above to LER INB today NOT DONE
  5. Photograph and Upload the letter from Dr N from TGH supporting me PARTLY DONE
  6. PHOTO AND Upload the card from the patient PARTLY DONE
  7. Find the letter from the patient in Altrincham DOING
  1. Extract the other details too for each of the interviews NOT DONE YET 
  2. Write a summary piece including acknowledgment of the limitations of this approach to CTD PS assessment while also noting the superiority of this over relying exclusively on the self-reported postal questionnaire responses
  3. Submit the above to LER INB today NOT DONE
  4. Upload the letter from Dr N from TGH supporting me
  5. Upload the card from the patient
  6. Find the letter from the patient in Altrincham 

Non-work frogs

  1. Request medical certificate tomorrow?? After I have spoken with Dr Ward - REQ FROM GP DONE 
  2. Prepare questions for Dr Ward -use history on my device and laptop of websites I have browsed to prompt my questions DONE
  3. Go for 3.5 or 4 k run DONE



March 3rd

  1. Questionnaires entry
    1. add in extra 2 columns - done
    2. just focus on extracting info to decide if PS or not! the PS CTD related and PS non CTD related and types DONE
  2. 3k done 
  3. 5 mins pilates NOT DONE
  4. BINAY 30 mins done
  5. Read the chapter of the mindfulness book for last week and this week NOT DONE
  6. Read the chapter 4 of Immortal diamond as i didn't finish this NOT DONE
  7. Attend 11am blood test DONE
  8. Sort flowers DONE
  9. nap for 15 only DONE
  10. Attend PA meetings DOING
  11. call hosp re appointment DONE
  12. CALLED sarah DONE
  13. sent whats apps to circle DONE
  14. email rory with newest links to beloved
  15. email fr john dale DONE




  1. Email LER to say thanks
  2. Whats app Chenade, Family, Extended family - arrange a walk if allowed DONE
  3. Jog or walk to the post box and post the cards and those to Teresa and Claire and Elizabeth and Amanda and Tony. If can find birthday card for PJ send it
  4. Order larger thank you cards online
  5. Send card to SR MA -  prayer card small one
  6. Mindfulness course 16:00 - 18:00 - prepare
  7. CALL PHYSIO AT ST M'S bring date forward


  1. Research the dx Dr Basu provided - get questions ready for Tues March 9th
  2. Prepare for LEAP meeting on Tues 3pm - get bills ready gas and electricity and info re. insulation and pull out NHBC details re. building materials used
  3. Sort out the direct debit for CTK
  4. make donation to the LSP
  5. Prayer walk with PAYG
  6. hoover carpets and dust and wash floor in living room/d/s bathroom, glass tables, wash floor in kitchen and the front of the presses 
  7. long walk?
  8. Pilates on Friday 
  9. Look into pilates with Sarah online 



Identify frog =


List all the sources of records/data for my appraisal

Get already printed out MAG form and create word doc containing all of the headings (major components) and under these list as many items as possible which fulfill these requirements

Identify any of the headings for which I do not have material -NEED TO DO 

and the paperwork in spare bedroom relating to this and in the office and put it all into a large cardboard box 

create separate folders for each component which I will require for the MAG form






  1. Set out this to do list 
  2. read readings for today DONE
  3. MFH scan and anchor 20-25 mins NOT DONE
  5. Vitamins etc DONE
  6. Breakfast lunch dinner


  1. Write out worry sheet/Write out BE sheet / Make use of time log/make use of distraction log
  2. Fabulous
  3. Productivity Challenger
  4. PA, FM, SUAW, study grp via library or skype study grp, 
  5. Library - Mayo building
  6. Office PBU


  1. Meeting at 10am DONE
  2. Reply to emails DONE
  3. Print out and read feedback from LER DONE
  4. Gather and read through the questionnaires - do I think these are valid and corroborative and worthy of pursuing further
  5. Use highlighter to highlight what responses I want to tabulate
  6. Send certificates to Alison and ask re encorporation of more recent time



  1. PA attend 4pm meeting DONE
  2. Read chapter 4 and 5 of book on MFH
  3. Do body scan 
  4. Finish breathing anchor exercise
  5. CALL SR MA at 1800
  6. Keep on top of symptoms - monitor and restrict fluids
  7. Send various requests to GP re. meds and need for appointment to discuss yesterday



  1. read chapter 3+4 of ID and notes
  2. read chapters 5&6 of mindfulness book 
  3. send card to PJ
  4. Get rid of paper in bin in office 
  5. clear desk in office


  1. prepare for Dr B's appointment - questions ready - see medical search history and generate qus in black notebook



  1. Gather the paper plans I already made for my results chapter
    1. Refresh what exactly needs to be added to the results chapter ? 
      1. make a list
      2. identify what is difficult or missing - leave this til last
      3. Write to MF re not going ahead with ethical amendment- DONE
  2. GCP course - COMPLETE
  3. Consultants' course view material and save notes before access ends
  4. Ask HR if an honorary contract can be granted to me for when my contract ends in end March 2021

Important  non urgent

  1. UOM mandatory training - data governance
  2. SRFT mandatory training - try to do this remotely
  3. Read IM material before next clinic
  4. Anticipate LN's call re end of contract
  5. Enquire re BAD access AGAIN
  6. Anticipate LN's call re end of contract 


  1. Walk 25 mins minimum
  2. 5 minutes of pilates minimum - Tuesday workout
  3. Rosary
  4. BINAY study 20 MINS
  5. vits etc

Hypatia's check-in

must do

(emails took nearly all day so will move to tomorrow)

[-] write up AM minutes

[-] claim for gas boiler

[-] YCC invoice

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] clear desk

[x] action emails - inbox Zero (March day 5)

[x] shopping

[x] book purple visit (4th attempt)

[x] action minilist - down to 8

[ ] OU coursework

Could do

[ ] tai chi

[ ] exercise/gardening

[ ] housework - clear and clean hall

[ ] action from Q list

[x] lace/knitting/embroidery