Procrastinators Anonymous
The truth will set us free
Things I will do today
1. Prayer and meditation
2. Read spiritual literatire
3. Shower and get dressed
4. Put clothes away
5. Pick up books and put them away
6. Go through e-mails
7. Clear tables near computer
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[x] hairdresser
[ ] follow-up yesterday's meeting
[ ] email Diana re chaplain
[ ] reply to Lee and Bronwen
[ ] read stuff from Liz
[ ] action Q emails
[x] lace
[x] shopping
[x] cooking
[ ] OU course work
[ ] gardening
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
T-LA check in 11.3.20
Things to do
Things I will do today
1. Prayer and meditation
2. Read spiritual literatire
3. Shower and get dressed
4. Put clothes away
5. Pick up books and put them away
6. Go through e-mails
7. Clear tables near computer
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[x] hairdresser
[ ] follow-up yesterday's meeting
[ ] email Diana re chaplain
[ ] reply to Lee and Bronwen
[ ] read stuff from Liz
[ ] action Q emails
[x] lace
[x] shopping
[x] cooking
[ ] OU course work
[ ] gardening
To do