Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Q master list
This is the list for my project to sort out all my Q paperwork/emails/meetings/tasks.
[x] clear emails in my inbox
[x] set up notions for task list - doesn't work, reverted to ThinkingRock
[x] set up area meeting
- draft agenda
- ring Ted
- email agenda and ask for decision on Zoom
[x] emails re book of members
[ ] go through email lists and transfer to TRock
- action
- @waiting for
- reading list
[ ] go through past meeting list
[ ] go through Q email folder by section
- Login to post comments
Got stuck on clearing email
Got stuck on clearing email lists, and was sidetracked by a run of Q committee meetings, so emails have got badly backlogged. I'm fed up of staring at a inbox full of read but unactioned emails, so today is dedicated to sorting them out, but not neccessarily actioning them.
As of 09:00 there are 53 backlogged emails (Q and others). I'll report back here about once an hour on progress.
10:00 - backlog 41 emails
11:00 - backlog 28 emails
12:05 - completed!
having a break for lunch, take a walk, and other things.
When I return
Review list of Q actions and prioritise