Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Go back to last two meetings pull out action points
Email INB regarding contacting patients from clinic
May need to ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon
Daily log
Prediction sheet
Pilates 30 mins - Gail's class
Pay BPG membership
Email Duncan
Thank you card to P
Sympathy cards to Sc family and Fr John
Request Mass for Aoife
Set time to meet J next week - probably Friday
Outstanding from yesterday
Go back to last two meetings pull out action points Email INB regarding contacting patients from clinic May need to ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon Daily log Prediction sheet Pilates 30 mins - Gail's class Pay BPG membership Email Duncan
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[x] council meeting
[x] email Arthur/Breck
[ ] action emails
[x] Q filing - receipts complete
[x] knitting
[ ] ironing
Today's Chores
Things I will do today
1. Read spiritual literature
2. Wash dishes
3. Take out trash
4. Take out recycling
5. Put medicine away
6. Put clothes away
7. Put books aeay
8. Clear tables near computer
03/10/20 Thankful for this day
Plan the day
Go through to do list from yesterday
830 take 15 min break for breakfast
845 onwards
Outstanding from yesterday
Go back to last two meetings pull out action points
Email INB regarding contacting patients from clinic
May need to ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon
Daily log
Prediction sheet
Pilates 30 mins - Gail's class
Pay BPG membership
Email Duncan