Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Welcome to Tuesday.

Graphics added by pro.

Rexroth - since you so often start the day thread, it would be great if you could read the instructions on how to put graphics into posts (click here). It's not hard to do. Thanks.

jj's 10:00pm CI

Up at 8:50ish

X make bed
X put music CD on
X fill water bottle
X empty dishwasher
X check email
X check website for ph# and time
X eat breakfast/take vits/read and write in journal
X discard dead flowers and rearrange others
X wash hair/wash face/brush teeth
X get dressed
X ph about concert
X 12:20 leave for staff mtg (roads are bad - freezing rain)
X 1:30-4:30 staff mtg
- get birthday card and present for R
X sort laundry
X put laundry in washer
X check email
X put library books on hold
X make supper
X put laundry in dryer
X scoop litter
X empty garbages and put out reminder
X do dishes (R did them)
X take recycling downstairs (R did)
X fold laundry and put next load in washer
X watch TV program
X put laundry in dryer
- wash face/brush and floss teeth
- in bed shortly after 11
- read before sleep

Today I'm thankful for: safe travel into the city and back.

Housereclaimer 1st checkin

Hi all! Just getting around to yesterdays list.  I found a warm spot yesterday and  sleep all day.

[X] meds/vitamins
[X] breakfast
[X] wash dishes
[X] clean off stove
[x] email 1hr
[x] pork and brocolli
(this came out so good)

[] clean kitchen floor
[] spice cabinet 5 shelves
[]qb chapter


pro's last check-in - 9:45pm

I'm so exhausted, I'm not even going to turn on the TV.

To Do:
 Rising time: 5:45am
 Shower and dress.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Lay out pills for the day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Wash dishes.
 Call about bagels.
 Call to cancel BMH appointment.
 Arrange weekend travel (call innkeepers).
 Look up property tax payment info.
 Call about storage billing error.
 Go to work.
 Get mail.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Bedtime routine.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

jj's 9:25am CI

Up at 8:50ish

X make bed
X put music CD on
X fill water bottle
X empty dishwasher
X check email
X check website for ph# and time
- eat breakfast/take vits/read
- wash hair/wash face/brush teeth
- get dressed
- ph about concert
- 12:20 leave for staff mtg (roads are bad - freezing rain)
- 1:30-4:30 staff mtg
- get birthday card and present for R
- make supper
- do dishes
- take recycling downstairs
- watch TV program
- wash face/brush and floss teeth
- in bed shortly after 11
- read before sleep

9:40CI for Lark (and 4:00 pm)(and 11:40pm)

Yesterday had lots of mid-course corrections and changes, but everything worked out okay. A project turned up, which I'll finish today.
morning routine
heat workshop
put trash out
made three business phone calls
make three other business calls
finish today's project for work
housework (anything for half an hour)
visit friends tonight

To Do:
read two chapters in book (one more left)

Sorry Pro

Sorry Pro but I'm dyslexic and do have a significant problem in understanding the instructions. I'm happy to try again and to seek help from someone who can sit with me and show me or if you prefer I'll wait till someone else starts the thread.

I very much value and appreciate the site and will cooperate in any way I can to ensure it runs smothly.

Kind regards Rexroth

no problem

I don't mind doing it, if it's a problem for you.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Thanks pro

Thanks pro it really is.

Regards Rexroth

pro's CI - 7:15am

To Do:
 Rising time: 5:45am
 Shower and dress.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Lay out pills for the day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Wash dishes.
 Call about bagels.
 Call to cancel BMH appointment.
 Arrange weekend travel (call innkeepers).
 Look up property tax payment info.
 Pay AAA bill.
 Call about storage billing error.
 Go to work.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Bedtime routine.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's first check-in - 6:30am

I'm showered, but not yet dressed. I forgot to pick up the bagels I ordered last night. :(

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Rexroth 09.16 GMT

Todo Today

Up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
clean up in kitchen
wash kitchen floor
shopping possibly twice
collect prescription
write letters
sort arrangements for collecting craft machines including getting all money packaging contact details transport route etc sorted
put on load of washing
bath and wash hair
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 18.42 GMT

Well I haven't written the letters and don't feel like doing that now nor have I collected the prescription. I've done everything else though and I feel good about that. I'm prepared for tomorrow which seems like a major expedition.

Regards Rexroth