Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Sunday 4 February 2007
Welcome to Sunday folks - wherever you are.
Graphics added by pro.
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Housereclaimer 11:39
[X] meds/vitamins
[X] breakfast
[X] wash dishes
[X] clean off stove
[X] wipe down fridge
[X]med packs for the week
[X] Go get paper
[X]e-mail 1 hr
[X] Potatoes
[X]banana bread
[X] clean microwave
clean kitchen floor
pork and brocolli
[ ]qb chapter
[ ]tr-chapter
way to go, HR!!
It looks like you had a pretty good day today. :)
What's "tapping"?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's last check-in - 11:28pm
I spent all afternoon and evening sleeping, for some reason. I don't know why I've been so tired. Yesterday I went to bed at 8-9pm, and slept until 7am this morning.
I'm so not used to going into a job every day that I almost forgot I have to do that again tomorrow. Wow - every day!

To Do:
Empty dish drain and wash dishes from yesterday.
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Shower and dress, contacts.
Make bed - convert futon from bed to couch.
Pick up apartment.
Lay out pills for the day.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Meet people at 12:30pm.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Nap, email.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Bedtime routine (still have to brush teeth - otherwise ready for bed).
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Of course, now I'm having trouble getting to sleep after my afternoon napping. At least my teeth are brushed and I'm ready for bed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Housereclaimer 5:41pm
[X] meds/vitamins
[X] breakfast
[X] wash dishes
[X] clean off stove
[X] wipe down fridge
[X]med packs for the week
[X] Go get paper
clean microwave
clean kitchen floor
banana bread
pork and brocolli
[ ]qb chapter
[ ]tr-chapter
[ ]tapping
[ ]e-mail 1 hr
Bud's check-in (1:45 PM)
Seemed to have fallen into a depression recently, where I don't care about getting anything done, exercising, etc. If I vacuum and clean my carpet today, it will be a better day. I don't even want to take our puppy out, very cold too. Has anyone heard from Mollie or Monica?
Take care.
Mollie and Monica?
When I'm down, I find it useful to check in here and tell on myself. Though sometimes I can't even get myself to do that. I'm glad you posted.
I've seen Mollie online, though she didn't post. Monica hasn't been around since she overslept one day and was mad at herself. I wish she wasn't so hard on herself. I know that feeling - do one thing different from what you'd planned and feel all is lost. But it isn't lost. You can start your day over at any time!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Thanks, Bud & pro
I've been working on a different strategy with respect to the procrastination (, so am taking a break from check-ins. Wishing you both, and everyone else, all the best.
pro's CI - 12 noon
I'm so happy to see others here today! It's been lonely here the last couple days. I've finished my morning routine and I'm getting ready to go meet some people. I'm not sure what else I'l be doing today because it depends on what time I get home.
To Do:
Empty dish drain and wash dishes from yesterday.
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Shower and dress, contacts.
Make bed - convert futon from bed to couch.
Pick up apartment.
Lay out pills for the day.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Meet people at 12:30pm.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Housereclaimer first check in
Hi all!
Been kind of in and out, had a death in the family, and a spinal procedure friday before last most painful to date. But I am still here I am still walking even if in pain I am still trying to get stuff done and God knows i am greatful.
[ ]wash/teeth/hair
[ ]meds/vitamins
[ ]breakfast
[ ]wash dishes
[ ]clean off stove
[ ]clean microwave
[ ]wipe down fridge
[ ]clean kitchen floor
[ ]banana bread
[ ]pork and brocolli
[ ]qb chapter
[ ]tr-chapter
[ ]tapping
[ ]e-mail 1 hr
Lark's CI 10:55 am (and 10:45pm)
Hello. I've had a good week--very busy.
morning things
some cleaning up, sorting
short meditation
sort papers
put things away for 15--20 minutes
sort clothes which need washed
To do:
make a work schedule for this week
sweep snow off walks
clean out car
do accounting for half an hour
Take care.
pro's CI - 10:50am
I had some stuff I was going to do today, but can't because something else came up. I'm now getting dressed and picking up my apartment. Someone came over yesterday and it was a mess - not good!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Rexroth 13.22 GMT
Most is carried over.
Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages email
post this
shopping bread and milk
wash up in kitchen and clean up
phone friend 1
email to try to arrange transport for craft machines
this is as far as I've got
plan week
work on landlord letter
phone friend 2
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Thats it folks
Regards Rexroth
hi Rexroth!
Seems it's been just you and me the last couple of days! Sounds like today is better than yesterday for you.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi Pro
Thanks and yes, today has been better. I'm feeling a bit better with bronchits lessening and I went out shopping. I'm dealing with strange dreams and nightmares and know that something important is going on inside. I don't understand what is happening and that is good for humility.
I'm committed to posting every day until the end of February. Thanks for setting up and keeping up the site.
Rexroth 22.37 GMT
Much done and a lot of time spent on the phone with friends supporting them and being supported by them.
Thoughts: I will never be able to understand women and the way I behave no woman is going to be able to understand me.
Night folks Rexroth
Message from Bud
Hi Rexroth,
Maybe if you want to fill me on on what you don't understand about women and what you think they won't understand about you, I can help. I am happily married, so it's "safe" for us to talk.
Take care.