Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 11 August 2020

Hypatia's check-in

[x] collect lawnmower

[x] shopping

[ ] tidy house

[x] intray

[x] inbox - read emails

[x] ring pest control

[x] read EHR documents

[x] email EHR re holiday

[x] trip to Sw.

[ ] inbox - emails to action 

[x] email S re roof and flies

[ ] write to bank

[ ] prep packing

[ ] prep banking

[ ] GRASP summary

[x] water plants

[ ] finish ironing

my checkin


replied ag 

july accounting done 

practice notes 


ballet class

phone meeting

tiny bit of meditation



ate breakfast on time 

morning teeth 




ballet notes 

change linens 



do some serious food planning and make a cooking schedule

handwash gown and poncho 

get back to ebay?

restore laptop

go through recent emails and file journaling where it should go 

transfer doc appt notes to laptop

pilates notes

practice notes/write about motor skills