Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
- [] make notebook page for this week and today (yesterday too? dunno)
- [] check/update monthly page on notebook
- [] take dogs for walk
- [] zoom PA mini-meeting at 9am
- [] tell wife I am fasting today?
- [x] shower
- [] !! pay electric bill online !!
- [] read emails from S
- [] read other email from S's daughter,
- [] reply
- [] get some Tulsi leaves or flowers to bring for K
- [] leave home by 11:45
Don't know if I will come back and update this, but it's a useful mind dump for now ... best wishes to all for your day!
Oops, sorry for double-posting, that was unintentional, caused by my first post not posting completely, due to an emoji in it, and then pressing back button to get my full post back again, and pressing "save" again ... not sure how/if to delete a comment (besides editing and removing all text, but that would just end up as a blank comment) ... ah well!
haribol tues 8/11
- [] msg J re inviting E to festivities today
- [] write these things down in my notebook
- [] make notebook page for this week and today (yesterday too? dunno)
- [] check/update monthly page on notebook
- [] take dogs for walk
- [] zoom PA mini-meeting at 9am
- [] tell wife I am fasting today?
- [x] shower
- [] !! pay electric bill online !!
- [] read emails from S
- [] read other email from S's daughter,
- [] reply
- [] get some Tulsi leaves or flowers to bring for K
- [] leave home by 11:45
Don't know if I will come back and update this, but it's a useful mind dump for now ... best wishes to all for your day!
Oops, sorry for double-posting, that was unintentional, caused by my first post not posting completely, due to an emoji in it, and then pressing back button to get my full post back again, and pressing "save" again ... not sure how/if to delete a comment (besides editing and removing all text, but that would just end up as a blank comment) ... ah well!
haribol tues 8/11
- [] msg J re inviting E to festivities today
- [] write these things down in my notebook
- [] make notebook page for this week and today (yesterday too? dunno)
- [] check/update monthly page on notebook
- [] take dogs for walk
- [] zoom PA mini-meeting at 9am
- [] tell wife I am fasting today?
- [x] shower
Hypatia's check-in
[x] inbox
[x] intray
[ ] inbox - emails to action - down to 13 emails
[ ] email EHR re holiday
[ ] write to bank
[x] tidy bedroom
[ ] prep packing
[x] download OS app
[ ] prep banking
[x] summary to S
[x] trip to Meadowhall
[ ] GRASP summary
[x] ring Pauline
[ ] water plants
[ ] finish ironing
my checkin
ordered groceries
put on small load of laundry
started some vw homework
pilates done quadruplesuperyay
hung laundry
picked up protein powder yay!!
lots of italian
45 minute meditation
asleep by 9pm
end-of-month accounting
do some serious food planning and make a cooking schedule
pilates notes
practice notes/write about motor skills
ballet class
change linens
transfer doc appt notes to laptop
handwash gown and poncho
get back to ebay?
restore laptop