Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 13 July 2020

katia mon 7/13

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! 

  • text J ✓
  • pay bill ✓
  • other load of dishes
  • figure out food for today ✓
  • figure out food for tues ✓
  • help friend garden +✓ helped my mom paint
  • read one section of book

Hypatia's check-in

[x] intray

[ ] inbox

[x] book HF

[x] filing            

[x] write up PM notes (and acted on in a timely manner!)

[x] finish AM minutes

[x] book Haverigg visit (1-4pm)

[x] ring Suzanne (8pm)

[ ] rent arrears summary

[x] gas engineer visit

[x] collect cross-stitch

[ ] course reading


my checkin


folded laundry


practice notes part 1 

wrote to lawyer

practice notes part 2 

practice notes part 3 

10-mins hip opening meditation

ballet yay 

made lunch 

edited eulogy 

30 mins on GR paper 

practiced woohoox3

made and ate planned dinner 

bought spatula for oven cleaning 

replied n, nailed him down

hosted call 



morning teeth 

morning water

lunch dishes 

iced foot

tried to order mattress protector. still not available. 



make a backup

research hair coloring