Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
So far: dog walk with Murphy and Winnie, Dog walk with Mr. Stubbs, home errands for Margot, imperfect foods received. to do
more walks
Feed Billie the Kitt
input tax expenses
I am running out of energy and time to complete the taxes. Yesterday I didn't manage to get anything done in that area and I am aware that my schedule is going to be quite busy this next week with doc appointments and Ben the poodle coming on board again. I am going to pray for guidance and the ability to let go of my willfullness and become able/willing to do the next right thing. I would like to stay away from eating sugar, which has been impossible. I have to plan to cook roasted veggies and cherry crisp while it is cool. Murphy will leave tomorrow afternoon and I will have winnie and Billie through the weekend. Jojo starts on Sunday. So, life is feasible if I just take it one thing at a time, don't eat sugar so I don't sugar crash and take it easy on me if I mess up.
Schedule went off the rail when Kh didn't called for the PRL project. I gamed while I waited... Wasn't a good idea. It's 10:30PM. I gamed for almost 3.5 hours then had dinner. Now just going to bed and starting again tomorrow. Must not game when I have a hick up in the schedule, it throws me off my streak.
this is a several hour task and I should use Focusmate’s to achieve it.
Didn't use Focusmate, but efficient anyway.
Do my wine club work on the treadmill desk (I got bored of this and stopped)
Try to go for 2 hour cycle in the afternoon, or similar depending on the weather.
Keep my Ritalin dose at quarter - failed my final dose
Eat a relatively low carbohydrate diet, no more than four plated meals, take photos, cycle carbohydrates in and around exercise specifically. (getting there, keep going)
crowd sourced decision to send tutoring stuff home
worked a little on ebay
made roasted veggies and almost-almond-butter
meditation call
watched friend's livestream
food planning
ballet notes
check in with lawyer
haircut mental prep (read procedure, visualize)
credit checks
ballet notes
write about doing more strength training and balance work
maybe look at photos from nic
journal about why feel more comfortable spending (making things that don't matter matter in order to feel some sense of control and therefore be able to take action)
e's yet another day check list
So far: dog walk with Murphy and Winnie, Dog walk with Mr. Stubbs, home errands for Margot, imperfect foods received. to do
more walks
Feed Billie the Kitt
input tax expenses
I am running out of energy and time to complete the taxes. Yesterday I didn't manage to get anything done in that area and I am aware that my schedule is going to be quite busy this next week with doc appointments and Ben the poodle coming on board again. I am going to pray for guidance and the ability to let go of my willfullness and become able/willing to do the next right thing. I would like to stay away from eating sugar, which has been impossible. I have to plan to cook roasted veggies and cherry crisp while it is cool. Murphy will leave tomorrow afternoon and I will have winnie and Billie through the weekend. Jojo starts on Sunday. So, life is feasible if I just take it one thing at a time, don't eat sugar so I don't sugar crash and take it easy on me if I mess up.
And... so it begins
katia fri 7/10
Been having a rough go w life this week. Hoping maybe posting on here will help.
Hypatia's check-in
[x] go for a walk - it was raining so didn't go.
[x] intray
[x] inbox
[ ] draft minutes
[x] contact PodPoint
[x] contact PolarPlus
[x] letter for Suzanne
Edge's Check-in
Man. It's so good to be back on here!
x 1:00-1:30 - Shower + call parents
x 1:35 - 3:00 - Visit and lunch at sis
x 3:00 - 3:40 - Downtime
x 3:40 - 4:15 - Clean hallway + take out trash
x 4:15 - 4:30 - Snack
- 4:30 - 6:30 - Work with Kh on PRL
- 6:30 - 7:30 - Wash litter box and refill
- 7:30 - 8:30 - Wash dishes + clean counters
- 8:30 - 9:00 - Change bed sheets
- 9:00 - 10:00 - Chill
- 10:00 - 10:30 - Water garden
- 10:30 - Dinner then chill and sleep
Schedule went off the rail when Kh didn't called for the PRL project. I gamed while I waited... Wasn't a good idea. It's 10:30PM. I gamed for almost 3.5 hours then had dinner. Now just going to bed and starting again tomorrow. Must not game when I have a hick up in the schedule, it throws me off my streak.
Andres check-in
Client 1
Help with lunch
Help with dinner
Wine club
Timeline done and sent to Ian
Didn't use Focusmate, but efficient anyway.
Do my wine club work on the treadmill desk (I got bored of this and stopped)
Try to go for 2 hour cycle in the afternoon, or similar depending on the weather.
Keep my Ritalin dose at quarter - failed my final dose
Eat a relatively low carbohydrate diet, no more than four plated meals, take photos, cycle carbohydrates in and around exercise specifically. (getting there, keep going)
Use timers to anchor evening routine
Drink 1 - 2 glasses of wine tonight (maybe none rather)
my checkin
morning teeth
fold laundry
decision about ballet shoes
changed linens
vacuummed and swiffered
20 mins meditation
10 mins hip opening meditation
hip opening meditation
crowd sourced decision to send tutoring stuff home
worked a little on ebay
made roasted veggies and almost-almond-butter
meditation call
watched friend's livestream
food planning
ballet notes
check in with lawyer
haircut mental prep (read procedure, visualize)
credit checks
ballet notes
write about doing more strength training and balance work
maybe look at photos from nic
journal about why feel more comfortable spending (making things that don't matter matter in order to feel some sense of control and therefore be able to take action)
research hair coloring