Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Hypatia's check-in

[x] check car warning light

[ ] speak to sales rep

[x] course reading

[x] intray

[ ] inbox

[ ] clean conservatory

[ ] research boiler

[x] try out car



my checkin


resolved technical issue

did some vw homework 

made a hard decision and processed it 

did some notes 

hip opening meditation


drank water


ordered groceries 

reached out to a friend

hosted evening meditation 



morning teeth

cooked nutritious lunch 

did lunch dishes 

had reasonable dinner

did evening dishes

evening teeth 



try to contact engineer?

tidy room?

end of month accounting?


laptop cleanup?



curiousAT's check In

Today's work tasks:

  • Regress and close B1A C1, 3, 4, 5 HW problems - Done up to 4, yet to receive 5
  • Finish the review of B101 I3
  • Begin storyboarding A56 M6
  • Fill timesheet for the past 2 days


  • Order groceries 
  • Make daily menu (Breakfast: Tomato eggs + Toast + mango shake, Lunch: Spicy boiled corn, Snack: Pomegranate, Roasted puffed rice mixture, coffee, Dinner: Chapati + papdi sabzi + split urad dal)