Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monica's picture

Monica's Tue CI


Today's Frogs

5th Frog:
[ ] tidy kitchen
[ ] unload/reload dishwasher
[ ] wipe counter tops
[ ] wipe stove top
[ ] scrub sink

4th Frog:
[ ] tidy master bedroom
[ ] put dirty laundry in hamper
[ ] clear off night stand
[ ] clear top of dresser
[ ] put clean clothes away

3rd Frog:
[ ] spend at least 30 min on work project

2nd Frog:
[ ] prepare small group lesson
[ ] type up lesson
[ ] save PDF version
[ ] create bible app event
[ ] email instructions to members

1st Frog:
[ ] Dress to shoes
[ ] shower
[ ] facial
[ ] body lotion
[ ] choose outfit

Hypatia's check-in

[x] clean car

[x] intray

[x] inbox

[x] pay Ben

[x] course reading - section 1

[ ] course reading - section 2

[ ] clean conservatory - half done

[ ] research gas boiler

and the biggest achievement of the month - I've bought an all electric car!

my checkin

my only goals today are ballet, practicing, and getting in touch with my engineer


breaking down notes catchup: find all relevant text edit docs and phone notes. 10 off adn then phone notes




food DONE

ballet notes (or maybe pilates notes not sure maybe practice notes too) 





morning teeth



8pm write the contingency planning email if my account doesn't get restored

curiousAT's check In

Today's work tasks:

  • Complete the reviews of B1a C1, C3, C4, C5 ✓
  • Complete the review of B101 I3
  • Fill yesterday's timesheet



  • Order veggies ✓
  • Make daily meal plan (Breakfast: Hung curd sandwich + mango shake, Lunch: Fruit + roti + dal), Snack: coffee, Dinner: Misal pav) ✓
  • Update weekly plan ✓