Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hypatia's check-in

[x] intray

[x] inbox

[x] ring peugeot

[ ] find phone receipt/guarantee

[ ] find papers for car

[x] new watchstrap

[x] ring home insurance

[x] print papers for Peter

[ ] review quotes for gas boiler

[ ] do pre-course questionnaire

[x] write governors visit report

my checkin


long tricky email to bt

roommate freezer email

tricky email to roommates about pandemic

journaling part 1

paid bill 



cooked and ate on plan 

journaling part 2



journaling part 3/contact engineer 

re-establish hydration routine

start re-establishing cleaning routines

curiousAT's check In

Today's work tasks:

  • Complete M1 of CSW
  • Review I2 of B125, if treceived
  • Begin work on I1 of B101


  • Order groceries ✓
  • Make daily meal plan ✓