Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Successes: brought fruit salad to my sister's house and distantly socialized for a bit. Have done most of the laundry and am mid putting it away. The dishes are almost done. I have eaten well today. I am straightening. Investigated process for getting a new passport. took out the compost.
To do: remake bed, hanging up clothes, etc. make a simple dinner. finish up calculations for unemployment and file. begin taxes.
e's better day
Successes: brought fruit salad to my sister's house and distantly socialized for a bit. Have done most of the laundry and am mid putting it away. The dishes are almost done. I have eaten well today. I am straightening. Investigated process for getting a new passport. took out the compost.
To do: remake bed, hanging up clothes, etc. make a simple dinner. finish up calculations for unemployment and file. begin taxes.
kait 6/13
Feeling really down because a few things that were supposed to happen today are, of course, cancelled :(
Hypatia's check-in
[ ] draw up year-end statement of accounts (making progress slowly)
[x] intray
[x] unpack delivery
[x] inbox
[x] feed tomatoes
[x] draft minute for AM clerks - BLM
[ ] draft minute for AM clerks - membership
[ ] find receipt for phone
[x] two items from waiting tray
[x] respond to BLM consultation
[x] move raised beds