Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 24th February 2014

marcelor Monday CI

Today I will continue working on my MIT. Stick with the plan.

Also want to:

sort out ticket

email V


Monday afternoon

very late start today-- has been a challenging few weeks. Onwards and onwards and onwards! 

  • readings
  • meditation
  • text J back
  • text a fp
  • text w and cancel tomorrow
  • get ready
  • tidy
  • log 
  • diary
  • reply N email and sort excel
  • NB
  • call d
  • call m
  • order curtains online
  • call a 
  • call l
  • email J 
  • clean k
  • m list
  • pool and rehab
  • late dinner
  • write with pomos
  • a homework
  • new schedule 
  • write some more
  • rehab excercises
  • meditation 
  • HIO


2.24.14 Babarino CI

13 items on list, ambitious task list.


anyone have a suggestion for keeping items on list confidential, yet still using the daily forum for accountability?

@ Babarino

Hi Babarino- that made me think! Perhaps having letter  or number codes for your task and a hardcopy list your end with all details on it corrosponding to code or number> Or using chatbox where only members can see what you write? Best of luck with your tasks today. 

thanks for the idea!

I'll try that.

10:30 am update

3 items done so far.

@ Babarino

Great job!Cool


okay, got 9 of 13 items done today. going to consider that a big success.


thanks for the support jalla!

@ Babarino

Fantastic work. Well done!Smile

Innertruth's check-in


Check both email addresses

Go to CL for new jobs

Update ESL school database

Apply to O/S ESL jobs (applied to to 2 jobs by 2:30 pm & posted resume on job board)



Call HW re job

Review Ed G for tips

Put together prospect tips

write at least 3 emails

Update Paypal & call HT



Call ME

Wash dishes

Read papers


Throw out garbage

1 hour cleaning and moving stuff back

Prepare ESL lesson 

Vic 2.24.14

Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work    thx jal

The secret of success is constancy of purpose.--Benjamin Disraeli

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

6. Take shower

7. Get dressed

8. Call the mental health center for lunch

9. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

10. See my Goodwill worker to take pictures of my apartment

11. Pay part of my bill

12. Eat lunch

13. Go to group therapy at 1 p.m.

14. Go through my papers

15. Cook and eat dinner

16. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

17. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

18. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

20. Wash dishes

Thanks for letting me share

Hazyjane Monday CI

Another nice starter, thank you Jalla :)

It reminds me of the story of the cracked water pot: a poor farmer had to carry water to his crop down a lane and he used two big earthenware jugs for the job. One of them had a crack and so would leak water on the way, and there was never as much water in that jug when they got to the field. The jug felt bad about this because she felt she wasn't doing a good enough job for her farmer, and one day burst into tears and told the farmer how she felt she wasn't good enough. But the farmer said, 'look at the lane to the field: do you see how one side is full of flowers, and the other side is bare?' And the jug looked and indeed could see that one side of the lane was plain and bare and uninteresting, and the other side of the lane was full of colour and beautiful blooms and perfumed flowers. 'Well' said the farmer, 'the flowers only grow there because you water them, and it makes me happy to see those beautiful flowers every day. So you see, cracked jug, you are doing a GREAT job for me!'. And the jug was happy too and didn't mind being cracked and leaky ever after...

(Wonder: was I just procrastinating there?)

To do, get up, 7.30 to wake daughter for school.

Back to bed probably for another hour...

Up and dressed 8.30

walk dogs

get ready for uni,
leave ON TIME

get to 2pm appointment

Collect pets for their trip to the vet 4.30

get reading
/whatever else needs doing done for uni tues

write/post tues check-in


It's an inside job...