Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I am slow getting started, but I have made a prioritized list, placed an order, placed gel, and done laundry, so that's not terrible so far.
Right now I need to commit to a few tasks at a time, in priority order:
1) update lab nb, clean
2) run gel, mark
3) orders, buffers, submit
4) CLIP 1 hr focused work, submit to beeminder
Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work good starter jal-
Snow storm, started feeling down, then listened to free seminare withBarbaraDeAngelis, PHD (transformation is a choice we make moment by moment, living atransformation), really helped
Other stuff:
E 12pm
E 7pm
V 2am
Set 2nd alarm
Use the 3Ts method
The ’3Ts’ aka ’Timed Task Tomorrow’ method - 3 questions before doing something online:
Is it Timed (set a timer)? Is it a Task? If it's a sudden impulse, can I act on it Tomorrow?
Marcelor Wednesday CI
Showing up.
Think about what motivates me. Notice and stay with feelings. Free write.
kromer 11:15 CI
I am slow getting started, but I have made a prioritized list, placed an order, placed gel, and done laundry, so that's not terrible so far.
Right now I need to commit to a few tasks at a time, in priority order:
1) update lab nb, clean
2) run gel, mark
3) orders, buffers, submit
4) CLIP 1 hr focused work, submit to beeminder
Vic 1.22.14
Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work good starter jal-
Snow storm, started feeling down, then listened to free seminare withBarbaraDeAngelis, PHD (transformation is a choice we make moment by moment, living atransformation), really helped
KF Check in Weds 22nd Jan 10:15
Feeling a bit better today. Let's put that to good use shall we?
Today I have already:
Today I will:
DO INVOICINGEmail WS re visitLucky CI
The numbers are because I'm using a random number generator atm.
1-4 - Break
5 - Affirmations
6 - Exercise
7 - Shiva Nata
8-11 - Spiritual time
12-15 - Project C
16 - Hoover
17 - Wash up
18 - Email Wendy & parents
19 - Aikido report
20 - R notes
21 - Call HB
22-23 - Ebay
24-30 - Transcribing
Other stuff:
E 12pm
E 7pm
V 2am
Set 2nd alarm
Use the 3Ts method
The ’3Ts’ aka ’Timed Task Tomorrow’ method - 3 questions before doing something online:
Is it Timed (set a timer)? Is it a Task? If it's a sudden impulse, can I act on it Tomorrow?
Progress not perfection.
email vemailstidyaccountsfilingRM writing planlogdiarytidyflsbrm L jsort out new tasks from yday meetinglaundryget readyreadingscall achemist pick upcall B not going m todaycall f bdaucall Ctext s x2decide ccbankingmeet a and swNY writinglook up tmMSdinnercall M change to Mcall W change day to W for lessonscall D change appt to Frehab excercisesHIObed earlymeditationMy Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast
5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
6. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
9. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Go to the 12 noon Al-Anon meeting
12. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting
13. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting14. Clear tables
15. Wash dishes
16. Go through my mail
17. Warm up and eat dinner
18. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
20. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
Thanks for letting me share