Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Yes i've been keeping my count of days i'm attempting abstinence from unplanned time. and abstinence from self. I haven't been focusing on that last one that much, now that i think about it. Abstinence from procrastination is hard to measure. I also started working out.
Just a note i wrote in chat for myself today:
01:05:34 ‹clement› i finished my time logging
01:05:39 ‹clement› day ended well
01:06:57 ‹clement› summarizing at the end of the day all my time logging is actually serving to put me at peace at bed time.
01:07:19 ‹clement› i feel in control, even if it was a bad day, seeing it all quantized gives it more of a feeling of in-control...somehow
01:08:17 ‹clement› it's also reality testing. I can quantify EXACTLY how bad a day it was. And usually my emotional opinion is worse than that. So i guess in the end it's encouraging. hmmm
Please do not leave advice or feedback. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
I've discovered that this whole not sleeping on time thing is not working. Mostly because there are a couple of things I need to get done: get my car checked out during a workday, go to the courthouse to pay my fines toward trial by jury. I would like to change my lifestyle so that I'm exercising and eating in the morning. It will cost me less in the long run. Taking my vitamins will aid my overall energy level. Brushing my teeth daily is one of my goals as an adult. So I've resolved to wake up 15 minutes earlier each day until I reach my goal of waking up at 7:30 am. Because the way I see it, I could wake up then, make breakfast until 8:30 am, brush my teeth, go running for an hour and drive to work to be there by 10 am. Or, that's the goal. Since today I might have rustled out of bed at around 10:18 am, and I don't think I should be in bed any later than 10am. I am committing to waking up by 10am, which means I need to correspondingly commit to getting ready for bed by 2 am. The "getting ready for bed" time basically means, after that point I cannot do anything besides the following:
* brushing, flossing, using listerine, using the periodontic brush
* putting laundry in the dryer or folding clothes on the bed, since I've made a commitment to sleep in bed
Worried about today. Promised several things to be done by the end of last week, but I didn't do them. I need to write down all the things I am worried about and then decide which one to start on. I need to be brave and do the things I am scared of. I need to know that doing the things I worry about, getting them out of the way then means I don't have to worry about it any more. A gift to my future self. A little high-level stress in the now, saves a lot of low and medium-grade stress in the future. A short scratch for the injection OK?
* Big thing: Send paperwork to accountant - you can do this IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT. IT JUST NEEDS TO BE IN HIS HANDS AND NOT YOURS. DONE DONE DONE DONE - I hope it will be OK and that the mistakes/adj are not too major.
Call supplier re: reportcalled no answer - found some more info myself though
Call supplier re: missing invoicescan just void them
Post the docs
Post V adj as best you can
Show the bank rec & bank statement match up
Debtors and Creditors
Nominal download
* Big(ish) thing 2: call client to see what he wants - he's apologetic so he's not having a go at you.
* Big(ish) thing 3: sort out WS
Email her to say you won't be charging anymore
Sort out CJL account
Sort out a list of people to contact, just scan the docs in if it's easier
* Big thing 4 - P - he has lots of work for you. He will definately pay you. Get some done.
clement ci - day 430 attmpt abs, 350 fr self, wko day 103
Yes i've been keeping my count of days i'm attempting abstinence from unplanned time. and abstinence from self. I haven't been focusing on that last one that much, now that i think about it. Abstinence from procrastination is hard to measure. I also started working out.
Just a note i wrote in chat for myself today:
01:05:34 ‹clement› i finished my time logging
01:05:39 ‹clement› day ended well
01:06:57 ‹clement› summarizing at the end of the day all my time logging is actually serving to put me at peace at bed time.
01:07:19 ‹clement› i feel in control, even if it was a bad day, seeing it all quantized gives it more of a feeling of in-control...somehow
01:08:17 ‹clement› it's also reality testing. I can quantify EXACTLY how bad a day it was. And usually my emotional opinion is worse than that. So i guess in the end it's encouraging. hmmm
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
fudoshin: fixing schedule: 11:29 AM
Please do not leave advice or feedback. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
I've discovered that this whole not sleeping on time thing is not working. Mostly because there are a couple of things I need to get done: get my car checked out during a workday, go to the courthouse to pay my fines toward trial by jury. I would like to change my lifestyle so that I'm exercising and eating in the morning. It will cost me less in the long run. Taking my vitamins will aid my overall energy level. Brushing my teeth daily is one of my goals as an adult. So I've resolved to wake up 15 minutes earlier each day until I reach my goal of waking up at 7:30 am. Because the way I see it, I could wake up then, make breakfast until 8:30 am, brush my teeth, go running for an hour and drive to work to be there by 10 am. Or, that's the goal. Since today I might have rustled out of bed at around 10:18 am, and I don't think I should be in bed any later than 10am. I am committing to waking up by 10am, which means I need to correspondingly commit to getting ready for bed by 2 am. The "getting ready for bed" time basically means, after that point I cannot do anything besides the following:
* brushing, flossing, using listerine, using the periodontic brush
* putting laundry in the dryer or folding clothes on the bed, since I've made a commitment to sleep in bed
* twelve step stuff, if it comes up
* showering
* finishing up my exercise routine
marcelor's Wednesday
Well, I have let a week slip by without progress on MIT. So: start by forgiving myself and then do the best I can today. Work with chatbox.
Vic 1.15.14
Maint. basics, +exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work good starter jal-
KF Check In Weds 15th Jan 10:45
Worried about today. Promised several things to be done by the end of last week, but I didn't do them. I need to write down all the things I am worried about and then decide which one to start on. I need to be brave and do the things I am scared of. I need to know that doing the things I worry about, getting them out of the way then means I don't have to worry about it any more. A gift to my future self. A little high-level stress in the now, saves a lot of low and medium-grade stress in the future. A short scratch for the injection OK?
Big thing: Send paperwork to accountant - you can do this IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT. IT JUST NEEDS TO BE IN HIS HANDS AND NOT YOURS.DONE DONE DONE DONE - I hope it will be OK and that the mistakes/adj are not too major.Call supplier re: reportcalled no answer - found some more info myself thoughCall supplier re: missing invoicescan just void themPost the docsPost V adj as best you canShow the bank rec & bank statement match upDebtors and CreditorsNominal download* Big(ish) thing 3: sort out WS
Email her to say you won't be charging anymoreSort out a list of people to contact, just scan the docs in if it's easierWednesday
eadingsmeditationlaundrytidydiaryyday logdecided Cemail Plook up acphotocopyingpost vaccounts updatesw adinnermeditationHIOMy Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Cook and eat breakfast
4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
5. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
6. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
7. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
8. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
10. Go to the 12 noon telephone Al-Anon meeting
11. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting
12. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
13. Cook and eat dinner
14. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
15. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting
16. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
Thanks for letting me share