Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 27th December 2013

Gwen D check in 12:24-6:43 PM

Okay. I must be procrastinating something because I seem to have torn my house from limb to limb.

I will start by visualizing a result. Then I will break down the tasks needed to achieve that result, then I will budget my time to perform the tasks, and I will set the timer for 15 minutes at a time to do real bursts.

Right. I need to eat an egg or something first. So that's step one.

After pet the cat. 

6 hours later....


I wasn''t so organized. But I did do a bunch of stuff.

G'night! And thanks for the place to share. 

Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself

@ Mole

Oh how exciting!!!! Best of luck in preperation for your trip!Cool


Thank you jalla - l probably won't be checking in much until I get back. Take care of your dear self these next couple of months.

@ Mole

Bon Voyage dear Mole. Have a wonderful wonderful adventure!!! I will miss you. Enjoy every minute of the trip and HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!!!Cool xoxoxox

Mole's check in

Thank you dear lovely jalla

 i am in the last (or maybe first) stages of preparing for a 3month trip. The days over Christmas become so confusing, and the event itself, however low key takes up so much mind space, that it is only today that I can seriously get things together for Monday's departure. So- i have to

sort out the house for the housesitter,

cat food for the cat

clothes for packing

last minute washing

all my writing paraphenalia

presents for family



ticket print outs

seat reservations.

exercises, medicaments


electronics - top up phone, earplugs, recorder, chargers, adaptors

emergency food

contact brother re pick up.


it is 2.45. And i need a rest after this.

then - wash up

gosh just looked up and saw what looked like a pheasant or peacock landing on a tree branch- am I hallucinating? 

Make count down list and action.

meet up with C 5.30?

healthy meal

T coming to trim driveway 7.45

get washing ready to put on overnight

bed on time ie before 11 


  • readings
  • tidy
  • books n
  • breakfast N
  • coffeeshop 
  • key and oil n
  • bank
  • write
  • find out plans k
  • pack bag
  • rehab excercises
  • HIO
  • rest

fri 27 dec

people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar




phone mum

phone w --arrangements??

phone DEBT sort for month

kitchen floor

clothes wash on

money in bank

computer lesson




My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Cook and eat breakfast

4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

5. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone UA meeting

6. Take shower

7. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting

10. Cook and eat dinner

11. Get dressed

12. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

13. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting

Thanks for letting me share