Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

Knitfisher, Happy Birthday!

I hope the later part of your day was more enjoyable even though you had work to do earlier.

Wishing you happiness in the coming year!

@ Findingaway @ Jalla

Oh thank you findingaway. Purple is my favourite colour.

 I actually felt unwell the latter part of the day because of something I ate, (although I've eaten it many times before so not sure why) but I did watch my film, and we postponed our treat dinner to the weekend. We'll also be doing something nice on Sunday too.

 I was just feeling upset because I find the work for this client really hard (it's in a mess, and it's taking time to get it up to scratch) and I felt like I'd let him down by leaving it to the last minute again. But I can do better, I know I can. I feel OK today, so looking forward to making some serious headway. Will be strict with myself with poms so I don't fall into a pit of "I'm not getting anyway but I'm still digging"

Thank you for the thoughts. 


Sorry to hear you were ill on your birthday, but glad you will have a special dinner and something else nice on the weekend.

Solidarity with the work, hope it went well today. Smile

Vic 12/3/13 ck in

Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work     good starter jal, SO TRUE

going to f/f  meeting. am tired but taking someone.


Happy Birthday Knitfisher!

Happy Bithday Knitfisher! Hope you have a nice birthday evening and upcoming birthday weekend if you are that way inclined! (I think we should have birthday weekends if actual birthday in the week!!Smile


Oh dear - i'm so ahead here in Aus I often miss the check ins of others - and so your birthday, dear Kingfisher. And I would like to go further than jalla with the spreading of birthdays to the weekend- They should be at least a week long, probably two so that one can be serenaded by friends one by one - unless of course you enjoy big bash parties.


@ mole

I love the idea of being serenaded! I am hijacking a party on Friday to celebrate my birthday. I felt a bit rotten on the day anyway, so any excuse to string it out. 

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Cooked and ate breakfast

3. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

Things I will do today

1. Test blood sugar twice

2. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

4. Take shower

5. Go to the 12 noon telephone CLA meeting

6. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone  CLA activity line

7. Get dressed

8. Go to the pharmacy and get medicine

9. Pay bills

10. Cook and eat dinner

11. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting

12. Read ACA literature and do some writing

13. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone  OA meeting

14. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone ACA meeting

15. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Knitfisher.  And many more.

@ lennon


KF Birthday check in 3rd Dec 11:11

edit: 3.11pm

I always tell myself that it's just a day, but it's meant to be your day. Separate from your procrastination. I was going to do work in the morning, then relax. I've worked longer than I wanted, and I still don't feel like I've acheived anything. I should have organised something for my birthday. I could have asked DH to take the day off, I could have arranged to meet a friend. This work needs to be done, but it's all the worse for having wasted my day when I could have just been enjoying myself as I so rarely allow myself to do. I am so angry that this defect in me even prevents me from enjoying the one day a year set aside to be mine. (I know there's too much pressure on special days to be special, but I guess I'm just annoyed that mine isn't at all that special so far) I haven't had a birthday celebration for 2 or 3 years. Not a proper one. I hated organising them and so I stopped doing it. But I miss it. And now everyone thinks I don't want one, when actually I just put off organising them til it's too late. I don't mind getting older, I guess it's just the fact that you *should* do something, and if you don't do something you're a bit odd.

It's my birthday, and I am still late to work, (and I feel I must work) but not to be too sad. I will not be forcing myself to work all day, or feeling bad if I am not working. (I am a bit annoyed I didn't start earlier though. such is the way) Work first for a few hours, and then a few hours doing what I like doing without guilt.

Today I have some scary things to do. I have permission to do them in a non-scary way if that will get them done (and if the alternative is not doing them)

Today I will:


  • Finish allocations
  • Sort out what I need for C&F
  • Send / call regarding 5 Purchase accounts
  • Prepare VAT and fuel issue
  • Contact accountant re VAT


tues 3 dec

people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar

bath wash hair


texts j. m  . w

tidy bedroom

make bed

living room- put away clothes





Rexroth Check In 07.49

Thanks for the starter. My recovery follows the scenic route.

Up prayer and reflection
Check emails and posts
Make and post this list
Tidy up so room is fit for friend to come in
Check notes for meeting
Meet with friend at 9.00
Out for bigish food shop
Wash up and clear up in kitchen
Admin work re landlords and bank
Shower and get ready to go out
Out at 3.45ish for charity collection
Sign in and collect at startion
Home and rest
Write journal
Prayer and reflection

Did not check out yesterday so am today. Completed all of list.

Regards Rexroth

InnerTruth's task list for Tuesday, Dec .3

  1. Organize notes for class 9 to 10:30 (took 1/2 hour longer thsn planned but I have some notes for next class)
  2. Go to Goodwill (found a Goodwill near work and will go there tomorrow)
  3. Teach 1 to 3

  4. ME 4 to 5:30

  5. Dinner

  6. Leave for therapy at 6:40 pm

  7. Support group 7 to 9 pm
  8. Wash dishes
  9. Read papers
  10. Recycle



  • tidy
  • accounts
  • emails
  • schedule journal 
  • hair
  • write in journal 
  • email v and m about c and b
  • get ready
  • bag
  • readings
  • meditate
  • diary
  • email N back
  • call C re r
  • emails  reply to to AM,A, S, M, V
  • nb
  • dinner
  • continue c edits into excel with pomos(1,2,3,4,5)
  • list of missing t r 12 for BM
  • try to use splint 
  • note K 
  • shopping list
  • check sept
  • sort files
  • docs together BM
  • call d about aj
  • list K
  • if time do n rX
  • bookshelf clear out 
  • practice with splint
  • rehab excercises
  • ms
  • HIO

@ mole

I laughed too and was reassured that despite the sqiggles the endpoint was much the same!!!! Have a good dayxo

@ unstuck-ing

Welcome backSmile and best of luck next few days.

Mole's check in

What a great starter, jalla - still chuckling- and appreciate that the ultimate direction is still the same!

a couple of quick notes so I don't forget

okay - 4 pm - time to revisit this. Done rev for C and QP. Done prov proj, done morning writing, emailed A and j re H. still to go - insurance, tidy for H, put out rubbish,  check travel costs and contact R. Contact- perhaps not today - J re catching up.. Perhaps C C tomorrow. 

Rev for C


insurance and go ahead

resp to HC

S's QP 


Jolla SO TRUE!!!!!! I apologise to you all, to my family, friend's & self for actively avoiding PA and feeding my compulsions of procrastination & avoidance to everyones detriment. I was already for a pity party & your threadstarter was a just the slap I needed so thanks!!

I won't look back but forward: a busy few days coming.


Last day of work tmr (or rather today)

-get up at 8

-buy goodbye cakes which means leave home at 845

- come home to pack

- do m reference!!!!!


Things to take

Presents & cards




Beach clothes



Thanks again & I will commit to login in everyday for a week.