Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday, 1st November 2013

Welcome to a brand new month. 

Don't think you have lost time. It took each and every situation to bring you to the now.

Asha Tyson



tiptree CI

- fix publisher issue
- test publisher change and integrate
- diagnose w/l issue
* integrate unescape issue
- clean office (desk/floor)
- shave/shower
- read 25 pp.
- start CGI doc -- get thru at least 10 of them
- email progress report
- get act. tracker changes testable (esp., get pager issue fixed)
- wash dishes/tidy kitchen
- meditate
- clean bedroom
- watch DVD

Mollie's check-in

-took N to school
-had breakfast & lunch
-tried to install rtl but there was a problem so emailed developer
-applied for st
-called re: autoexec desk
-tc w/Pat
-dealt w/thermostat guy
-power nap
-Email Dr. S
-email cs re: adding tb
-pay BCBS
-pay elec bill
-pay gas bill
-call Gabriel (playing phonetag now, he's it)

To do:
-review notes re: who to call re: GI consult for mw

Friday afternoon

Thank you dear Mole for the lovely reassuring starter. Just what I needed to read.

  • readings
  • tidy
  • rubbish out
  • call d
  • call a cancel tomorrow
  • call v 
  • text b and c
  • tidy 
  • floors
  • return call c
  • laundry
  • write 4 pomos(1,2,3,4,)
  • dinner
  • call dd
  • r oct 
  • c b 
  • accounts
  • write 4 pomos (1,2,3,4)x
  • journal write d
  • email e back
  • reply s
  • rest
  • rehab excercises
  • HIO


Vic 11/1/13 ck in

Show up (done)

In "panic/frozen mode" will do chat box andthen return. thx

ok done, one big snag, neeed to do paperwork, oh JOY! stay in cb.

ok, by grace of god did not need to do paperwk. thank you hp.  now, need to do basics.

maint. basics, exer, plan, ft

more tomorrow. thx

katia CI friday

To be continued. . .

-3 MTH 164 problems
-send scary e-mail
-facebook about favors

KF Check in Fri 1st Nov 10am

Much better today. Have broken the cycle of inaction with getting to work-ready state in good time, and having already done some useful things. Momentum is a wonderful thing. Now, to carry it through my day.

Today I have already: 

  • got up at a reasonable time
  • Put wash on
  • had breakfast 
  • Put wash in dryer
  • done half of washing up
  • written a short list of things to do
Today I will: 
  • UF living room this may take at least 2 or 3 x 20 mins. Need to put things up for sale too if I can.
  • do enough study to submit 2 assignments (this is a chunk, but you have the time and it's worth getting on with it if you can) done 3 (40min) pom (big break in the middle - eeek)
  • W work
  • Make plan for YE/SA/Sage YE/Mgment Acc first half?
  • Finish washing up
  • write one blog entry
  • Do invoicing (inc W)
  • Have lunch
  • start dinner
  • Smile, because today is already better than yesterday and the day before.

Rexroth Check In 06.43

Woke several times during the night coughing. I think I have bronchitis. Today I have one simple task:

Phone estate agents, go and collect key, go to new flat and check things and home again and back to bed. I wish I was well and felt more excited about it.

It is an achievement finding and buying a new flat in seven weeks and six days.

Peace Rexroth

marcelor CI Friday

Read this before my phone call: whatever happens I can handle it. I will be OK.

I want to make progress on this. I want to turn things around. 

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone UA meeting

5. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

6. Cook and eat breakfast

7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

8. Take shower

9. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting

10. Pay bills

11. Go to my mom's apartment

12. Go to the bank

13. Go to the store

14. Do numbers

15. E-mail people for the PRG

16. Warm up dinner

17. Go to the 6:30 p.m. face to face OA meeting

18. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting

19. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Thanks Mole!

I love the thread!  Hope y9our day goes well!


Well I had a good education session yesterday, I knew more than I expected so keep on the track!!

Important tasks for today:

finish autonomic and basic pharm

start on next topic

 washing out/in

do some exercise - run or swim

eat healthily

To help me do this!

don't watch tv or internet surf - 3T's


Things to look forward to:

catch up w R

ring C

ring sis's

Begin. and begin again...

That's all I need to keep focus on....

Mole's check in


7.30 cafe 

hang out washing 

text B 

send images to C 

9-12 work on writing with poms 

Lunch with K

2-3.30 prov with proj

food shop

put groceries away 

wash up 

planning esp EU 

card/pres for C/L 

post office rates catfood toothpaste nuts bananas epsom salts 

bring in washing

put clothes away 

call S re exam 

Eat healthy meal


check in