Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Please do not leave advice or feedback. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
The commitment is thirty minutes of exercise before midnight of
any of the following format: running, jogging, a combination of
running-walking-jogging, swimming, walking, attending a fitness
class, stationary biking, biking, dance class, aerobic class, yoga,
karate (or other martial arts). My ultimate goal is to run a
second marathon. In order to do that I need to being able to run for
30 minutes again. My goal is to complete the running plan by doing it as a 28-week plan, which is a slower version of the
eight-week Rodale run/walk plan. I'm going to shoot for doing one unit of the running plan per day, so that I can make
some progress in my running plan. But all I have to do for my commitment is one half-hour of
exercise per day, of any format above. I am doing this because:
I want to be able to wear the clothes
in my closet. I don't want to have to be choosey, only wearing the
extra-large shirts or things that don't look great on me, b/c of how
I feel about my body.
I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself
that almost no one asks me out on a date; I'm sick of attributing
that circumstance to my appearance. It's not about my appearance.
I don't want to be the “ugly one”
in the photographs at work. I want to take pride in the way I look
and have the means to do that via the clothes I wear.
I feel that running or exercise will
give me the strength I need to show up to other commitments in my
life. Challenges in the running sphere require me to meet other
priorities in my life so that I can exercise unimpeded and feel good
that my investment in myself is going somewhere.
I want to feel good about myself when I
go outside or meet people.
I don't trust myself to exercise at the
end of the day or at some point before midnight unless I make the
commitment here to do it. Being accountable to others by making a
commitment here, helps me to be accountable to myself. Making a
commitment here, helps me to have the faith in myself that at some
point in the day the exercise will get done.
Practicing being on time for this
commitment will assist me in being on time for other appointments,
projects or time-sensitive communications in my life. Running is a
practice in self-accountability.
Running or jogging helps me to practice
willpower for other activities that require energy.
Exercise helps me to feel comfortable
in what I am doing, b/c I am not constantly fidgeting at my desk or
feeling like I SHOULD be running/swimming/walking or getting out in
the sun or that I SHOULD have done those things last night.
Exercise helps me to avoid feelings of
not being adequate, because I have confidence in myself as a person
interacting with co-workers, managers and figures of authority.
Exercise helps me focus on what's most
important to me in the moment and helps me avoid unncessary or
counter-productive confrontations or interactions.
Exercise makes everything tighter,
which makes me feel more comfortable with myself, helps me to be able
to live with myself.
ran for two minutes and 53 seconds. walked for six minutes thus far.
Above all take it easy and rest or I'm going to be exhausted for no reason
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Reply to email from friend
x Post letter to solicitor
x Finish tidying which I thought I had
x Out to see nurse at midday for flu jab (be very brave)
x Check list of food shopping for friend on Wednesday
x Bath and another clean of bathroom
x Check exercises for advice from friend
x Wash towels
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
It is not yet seven in the evening and I am so exhausted that I am having a rest for as long as I need.
Update 22.30 Slept and got up again and have finished a good day's work and feel almost human again.
Thanks Jalia. Been away for a bit, doing my lists in my own diary - that sometimes happens when things get hectic but I'm better off posting here as the sharing makes me stick to things.
Monday goes like this:
Get up early to get into work. S.E. of England has bad weather forecasted, with resultant commuter chaos. We'll see. Well, I got in! Not all the students did, though...
Write to K re. readings
Write to students re. readings
If time, put together quiz for C.D. - no time but wouldn't have had time for it in class anyway.
Sort coffee for GM
Get computer for GM
Run C.D. class with GM as guest speaker
Do O.H.
Go to K's readings
Email: ONLY TWICE - nope, checked quite a few times.
do regs
write to those whose obs you're doing and arrange times
Innertruth's check-in for Mon. Oct. 28
Renew P membershipsemail DC re exec statusCall SHBring PIC memberships up to dateemail FY
Put away clean dishesWash dishesThrow out garbageClean dining room tableCheck movie listingsFiling, tidy desk2 hours pro book(only read for one hour)Go to store for milk & detergentmarcelor Monday CI
3 days left
Observe and accept feelings and then keep working. Try to do the best you can do now.
Now: get ready quick
Work before call
Now: turn on freedom for 75 min
Figure out technical solution for tomorrow + one pomo preparation
10.28.13 CI Babarino
read updates
read research (done)
get comps (done)
see list from yesterday and then check back. (done)
Thank you all for being here!
assign another research assignment
discipline advice
follow up with SErk project
attendees for event tomorrow
list for assistant-website updates
Vic 10/28/13 ck in
maint. basics. exer, plan ft
back hm and trying to recalibrated=+ balance= +consistency = +program= do best and let go
thanks for starter jal, beautiful. I accidently opened mom oct 21 which was what I really needed lol.
fudoshin:28 days of exercise: day 22
Please do not leave advice or feedback. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
The commitment is thirty minutes of exercise before midnight of
any of the following format: running, jogging, a combination of
running-walking-jogging, swimming, walking, attending a fitness
class, stationary biking, biking, dance class, aerobic class, yoga,
karate (or other martial arts). My ultimate goal is to run a
second marathon. In order to do that I need to being able to run for
30 minutes again. My goal is to complete the running plan by doing it as a 28-week plan, which is a slower version of the
eight-week Rodale run/walk plan. I'm going to shoot for doing one unit of the running plan per day, so that I can make
some progress in my running plan. But all I have to do for my commitment is one half-hour of
exercise per day, of any format above. I am doing this because:
in my closet. I don't want to have to be choosey, only wearing the
extra-large shirts or things that don't look great on me, b/c of how
I feel about my body.
that almost no one asks me out on a date; I'm sick of attributing
that circumstance to my appearance. It's not about my appearance.
in the photographs at work. I want to take pride in the way I look
and have the means to do that via the clothes I wear.
give me the strength I need to show up to other commitments in my
life. Challenges in the running sphere require me to meet other
priorities in my life so that I can exercise unimpeded and feel good
that my investment in myself is going somewhere.
go outside or meet people.
end of the day or at some point before midnight unless I make the
commitment here to do it. Being accountable to others by making a
commitment here, helps me to be accountable to myself. Making a
commitment here, helps me to have the faith in myself that at some
point in the day the exercise will get done.
commitment will assist me in being on time for other appointments,
projects or time-sensitive communications in my life. Running is a
practice in self-accountability.
willpower for other activities that require energy.
in what I am doing, b/c I am not constantly fidgeting at my desk or
feeling like I SHOULD be running/swimming/walking or getting out in
the sun or that I SHOULD have done those things last night.
not being adequate, because I have confidence in myself as a person
interacting with co-workers, managers and figures of authority.
important to me in the moment and helps me avoid unncessary or
counter-productive confrontations or interactions.
which makes me feel more comfortable with myself, helps me to be able
to live with myself.
ran for two minutes and 53 seconds. walked for six minutes thus far.
Rexroth Check In 08.32
Very very tired today so my list
Above all take it easy and rest or I'm going to be exhausted for no reason
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Reply to email from friend
x Post letter to solicitor
x Finish tidying which I thought I had
x Out to see nurse at midday for flu jab (be very brave)
x Check list of food shopping for friend on Wednesday
x Bath and another clean of bathroom
x Check exercises for advice from friend
x Wash towels
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
It is not yet seven in the evening and I am so exhausted that I am having a rest for as long as I need.
Update 22.30 Slept and got up again and have finished a good day's work and feel almost human again.
So now to bed
Peace Rexroth
Daily Wins:
1-Prepare & begin Acc. Eff.
2-Istigh. (*100)
3-Take S. to U.
To do:
.Beg. Em. lead.
.Read 2 chap.
.Att. coll. pr.
.Listen & take notes W.F.W
. Eat slowly
Mole's check in
That is certainly true of you, dear jalla - giving us a light with your starters, so that we already begin the day with a glow that shines on others.
late check in - lunch time already, but a very good working morning, yay. Exquisite day, cool, clear and calm.
the next two weeks are going to be a bit chockablock - so deep breath.
eat healthy meal
2.30 - 4 L appt
wash up
tidy for T - bedroom 10 mins, bathroom 10, living room 10 kitchen 10
methods for D and cathars for H
eat healthy meal
7 K pick up
til 9 tower
til 10 H
check in
bed by 11
Arrange/confirm sitters
contact R for meeting re festival walk
readingsdiarylisten to podcastfind dl bstidyreturn call ctext Llaundry awayskype dclean washing machinetake out files to startput away others not going to usesort roomscheduleemail m backpool rehabcall acall l backwrite cards to mmeet vaccountsemail drehab excercisesHIOEleanorBE's Monday list
Thanks Jalia. Been away for a bit, doing my lists in my own diary - that sometimes happens when things get hectic but I'm better off posting here as the sharing makes me stick to things.
Monday goes like this:
Well, I got in! Not all the students did, though...Get up early to get into work. S.E. of England has bad weather forecasted, with resultant commuter chaos. We'll see.
Write to K re. readings
Write to students re. readings
If time, put together quiz for C.D. - no time but wouldn't have had time for it in class anyway.
Sort coffee for GM
Get computer for GM
Run C.D. class with GM as guest speaker
Do O.H.
Go to K's readings
: ONLY TWICE - nope, checked quite a few times.Email
do regs
write to those whose obs you're doing and arrange times
do R's obs, meet him afterwards
If time between any of above, finish F. reading
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast
5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
6. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
9. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
12. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
13. Go to the 1:45 p.m. telephone UA meeting
14. Take shower
15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone UA meeting
16. Eat dinner
17. Get dressed
18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Thanks for the thread-starter reminder to let our lights shine