Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 3rd October 2013

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Took shower

4. Got dressed

5. Fixed and ate breakfast

6. Went to group therapy at 9:25 a.m.

7. Went to individual therapy at 10:30 p.m.

8. Went to get my flu shot

9. Went to the bank

10. Went to the 1 p.m. telephone DA meeting

11. Cooked and ate lunch

13. Called my Al-Anon sponsor

14. Did numbers

15. Did my DA Fourth Step

Things I will do today

1. Cook and eat dinner

2. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

5. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Vic 10/3/13 ck in

Maintaining: showing up, basics, plan, exer.

Lots of running, and beautiful weather inspired unbelievable physical drive, I am recognizing that I am getting out of balance. Consistency is better than all or nothing. Need to back off or I will crash. Avoiding business items. good to ck in. Thanks for starter jalla.

goal in recovery is to make us feel comfortable, peaceful, and content.
Happy. We want to be at peace with our environment and ourselves.
Sometimes, to do that, we need to be willing to face, feel, and get
through discomfort.

I am willing to face my discomfort, trusting that healing and release
are on the other side. Help me, God; be open to feeling whatever I need
to feel to be healed and healthy. While I am doing this, I will trust I
am cared for and protected by my friends, my Higher Power, the Universe,
and myself."

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie


KF check in 3rd Oct 14:20

We cannot even speak of the previous 24 hours they have contained so little that is useful.


  • Re-boot washing
  • Put washing in dryer
  • Do work for P (4 poms) only 1
  • Eat something for dinner - even if not that healthy
  • Wash up
  • Get washing out of dryer and hang
  • Stop work at 5
  • Leave at 5.20 didn't go


Rexroth Check In 06.26

Thanks for One day at a time image jaila.

Todo today:

x Up prayer, reflection and plan day
x Check emails and reply if necessary - it was and I have
x Post this
x Priority work today is on reading and replying to solicitor over flat I am buying - it is important also urgent in that the sooner I reply the sooner I am likely to own my new flat
x Go for walk
x Do exercise - a little but more than yesterday
x Food shopping and look for food container - not now necessary
x Put dry washing away and put on new load and hang it up to dry when done
x If friend phones arrange to see him possibly today to assit with his finances - he didn't and I'm not chasing him
x Check emails throughout the day
x Deal with post when if any comes
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Peace Rexroth

Update 10.41

I've worked flat out until a little while ago and more or less finished priority work. I feel exhausted and am going to rest. I don't need to do food shopping and in fact I need not to do food shopping as I have plenty.

Peace Rexroth

Update 13.34

Have been dealing with a whole series of emails from an advice service to try to get an appointment and am going slowly crazy over it. Also a friend is upset about how I behaved and wants to go over it yet again. I am truly tired.

And it is raining and I don't want to go out walking so who says I should?

Peace from an unpeaceful Rexroth

Went for walk resenting every minute of it. Phoned friend who was upset over how I had behaved with some cause to apologise and listen. She could not speak then but was grateful I had phoned. This is something that I would normally put off doing.

Now surf web for a while and relax before bedtime.

Peace Rexroth

Now late and I don't feel like sleep. I've written journal and now prayer and reflection bed and sleep.

Night Rexroth

early Thursday

One day at a time - I need to keep reminding myself of that.

  • readings
  • tidy
  • rehab excercises
  • f
  • call DD
  • reply MP
  • get ready L 
  • write list for time w L today
  • email C back
  • email D and D good luck for today
  • do refs L including new ones
  • go Library w  L find  missing books
  • photocopy refs
  • photocopy sept reciepts
  • update and pay library mewmbership
  • pay L
  • buy card bday D
  • post card D ( dont forget!)
  • order flowers
  • go to appt e
  • rest 
  • dinner
  • accounts
  • post ccp
  • AD redo time schedule 
  • poss start date/schedule for J2
  • sept reciepts for sarah 
  • email d and d good luck
  • noteds from new articles into ad
  • update refs 2013 and bib
  • read three new reports and add in if ness
  • rehab excercises
  • HIO