Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday Memos of Success

Ok so every week the dean at my school sends an e-mail out to everyone highlighting the a-mazing achievements of everyone. I bet you can guess who's name is NOT on that list ever.

So I thought "heh. I'm sick of this guy I don't even know making me feel bad. I'm going to celebrate my successes even if he doesn't think they are worth sending in an e-mail!"

So here this is. Each Monday, feel free to put in your successes, either big or small. We are all on our own journey and shouldn't measure ourselves with someone else's yardstick.

Monday success

I ordered my son's newborn portraits that were taken in the hospital.

He was born in Nov 2010. . .


Monday achievements

What a really great Idea Katia. I really agree that is easy to get into a kind of mesmerising deflation when everyone else's achievements are publicised - the only person we should be measuring ourselves with (I nearly, and wrongly, said against) is ourselves. Not only that but ourselves at this moment in time. 

And congratulations on advocating for yourself. I find that an incredibly difficult thing to do- in fact have been procrastinating over a bit of self-representation I need to be doing for over six weeks.


:-) UPDATE UPDATE. I Just made the call... Thank you Katia for giving me the courage! 


yay Mole!!!

I did not see that you posted! I am glad you like the idea and you made it through your call! :)

Great idea and good to hear!

Great idea and good to hear!

Monday Aug 26

So I actually have some celebrations today.

I finally got a small medical problem (nothing life threatening) looked at after procrastinating for like 1.5 years.

Also I called my manager yesterday and asked about another position I wanted that was not given to me. It wasn't anything to do with me- I just needed to make sure the main manager knows I want that position! I'm proud I advocated for myself.

Great job Katia 11

Well done - thats fantastic! Smile