Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 20th August 2013
If you want to know where your heart is look to where your mind is when it wanders.
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Vic 8/20/13
show up (done), exer, plan, follow through
marcelor Tuesday CI
Observe the tendency to compulsively avoid things as soon as you start feeling slightly uncomfortable. Do one thing that you have been avoiding. Free write.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
3. Take shower
4. Get dressed3. Fix breakfast
4. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.
5. Read ACA literature
6. Go to vocational group at 11 a.m.
7. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the grocery store
9. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone DA meeting
10. Cook and eat dinner
11. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting
12. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone ACA meeting
13. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
14. Wash dishes
15. Test my blood sugar twice
Thanks for letting me share
KF check in Tues 20th Aug 10:30am
Yesterday didn't happen so well, but today I am feeling positive about.
Today I have already:
Today I will:
Finish and mark the mockdone 6 poms in total- DONESort out statements for SDCollect papers for SDLUNCH!Tuesday
Thanks Mole for the great starter.
readingstidyfind address rhb plcxc cos sfilingletter to DB secletter to HBprintingaccountsscheduleadd in to acctsreport file sortdo up c rsdo t rsc & physior pprintrubbish outcall printerscall Lcall Scall Atext bget sw stuff outs writing 30 minsemail ddinnerdo msrehab excercisesHIOriddled's Tuesday ToDos
productive workday (not good enough - at the moment, this is a real problem)write email to town about all the recently stolen bicycles at the train station and that they really should install video surveillance there(I'm SO lucky they didn't steal mine last weekend - probably because of the solid lock. Got an answer to my email that they'll try to install video cameras but have to clear it with the train company first.)online bankingMeeting with D at
Meeting with D at 10:00
prepare for meeting from 9:30
11: Complete intro to M report
call Real Estate
Transfer rent
meeting at 7:30
text Dad. Text mama
Hazyjane tuesday
wow, my last day on my visit home to see the folks, the main thing to do is leave without having a horrible argument with my mother!!! (She drives me crazy!!!!!!)
1. do more cleaning.
2. pack.
3. leave in time.
4. get back to my place and enjoy being in my own space for the first time in a week!
It's an inside job...
jays tuesday 20 august
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
travel directions
returns out
essential shopping
hang washing
paperwork ready for tomorrow
email sol
email sb
cook dinner
wash up
bed 10ish
Mole's check in
Phew, All of Monday that's left is cleaning my teeth and going to bed.These last few days have been so hectic my house is a tip and I am horribly behind on a number of fronts.
7.30 cafe G and C
9-12 turn off internet, write with poms. Pom breaks clear rack, take out compost, take out rubbish.
Eat healthy lunch
prov with project
post office
3.30-6.30 with Ms?
Or home and wash up
tidy living room 20mins
response to Wlf
CC review
notes re BGM and next actions.
declutter 20 mins
This is too much, I should not put more on my list than I can do.
eat healthy meal
check in