Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 1 January 2007

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 10:25 pm EST

Final Results:
[x] Shower
[x] Oral care
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Facial
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR vanity
[x] Buy flower seeds for Son’s project (Couldn't find any in the time frame I left myself to look, so we decided to make a tissue paper flower instead)
[x] Finish Son’s school project (not finished, but we worked on it)
[x] Organize Son’s book bag
[Ø] Help Son finish up any undone homework
[x] Help Husband with dinner (he's cooking tonight)
[x] Put food away after dinner
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] Report CI
[x] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm (I'm late, but I'm going now)

Bonus Item:
[x] Fold laundry

Good night,


If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

pro's last check-in - 8:30pm

For some reason, I feel really tired tonight and want to go to bed early. I think it's because I've been getting up at 6am, but not going to bed much earlier to compensate. I'm sleep deprived.

Maybe it's also because I've been tapering off caffeine, so my sleep cycles are more healthy.

Whatever... Bedtime for me.

pro's CI - 7:45pm

I had a little bit to eat - snack. And oddly I feel like getting ready for bed, though it's so early. I'm tired. I want to read in bed, then go to sleep early.

pro's CI - 6:15pm

I'm just back from my brother's house. I had a lazy day, and I'm not sure what I'll do with the evening. I don't feel especially energetic. I'm certainly not going to start any big projects now.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 4:30 pm EST

Current Results:
[x] Shower
[x] Oral care
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Facial
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR vanity
[] Buy flower seeds for Son’s project
[] Finish Son’s school project
[] Organize Son’s book bag
[] Help Son finish up any undone homework
[x] Help Husband with dinner (he's cooking tonight)
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm

Bonus Item:
[x] Fold laundry


If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

scarlett CI 2:40 pm

no forward movement. really struggling here.

new plan: make tea and come back to it.

I can identify.

I'm sooo close to finishing something, and all sorts of things are going wrong. Most of them are due to my anxiety and lack of patience, AND, it could have been done weeks ago. I'm taking an hour away from it, then gritting my teeth and going back to it. Good luck to you!!!

scarlett CI 2 pm

Ate lunch and then took a sort of nap. I just have a few sentences left to finish this letter. I'm feeling overwhelmed and crippled by vague fears and grief. Yeesh.

Setting timer for 15 min.

Write rec letter

To Do:
Write rec letter
Customize for all 4 applications
Fill out paper applications (4)

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 12:15 pm EST

To Do:
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Clean MBR vanity
[] Buy flower seeds for Son’s project
[] Finish Son’s school project
[] Organize Son’s book bag
[] Help Son finish up any undone homework
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm

Bonus Item:
[] Fold laundry


If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

scarlett CI 12:05 pm

Happy New Year, everyone.

Last day before going back to work, uggh. So much I haven't gotten done. Right now I'm working on some letters of recommendation - I had months to do them, and of course I waited.

Write rec letter

To Do:
Write rec letter
Customize for all 4 applications
Fill out paper applications (4)

lunch break

Was getting tired and cranky.


Todo today

take it easy
up prayer and reflection
tidy up a bit
work on landlord file
finalise aims for new year and reflections on old
phone friend to say thank you for dinner yesterday evening
make general todo list for next few days as I'm a bit behind in things
prayer, reflection and new meditation
bed and sleep

Thanks to Pro for creating this site and to everyone who contributes their wisdom and experience. You are all remembered in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you well Rexroth

9:55AM CI for Lark... Happy New Year (and 10:40 pm)

Let's all wish for a good year coming up for everyone else.
Ta Da:
Morning things
Heat workshop

To Do:
DONE2.Get laundry ready
A LITTLE3.Put stuff away in shop
DONE AND THEN SOME4.Focus again on the project, and do as much as I can (nearly finished, apart from several "snags")
DONE5.Get trash ready for tomorrow morning
SOME6.Clean clutter from car

pro's CI - 7:45am

I'm all done with my morning routine. I have to leave in a few minutes for Grand Central Station - I'm going to my brother's house for New Year's Day breakfast.

I've had a caffeine withdrawal migraine for two days now, so I slightly increased the amount of coffee in my morning ... whatever you call it at this point (it has coffee, chicory, and dried dandelion root).

I didn't make breakfast because I'm going to have a big meal at my brother's house.

I'm not sure what time I'll be back, so I'm not sure what else to put on the to-do list now.

Empty dish drain.
Wash dishes.
Make "coffee" (coffee is the smallest part of it).
Shower and dress.
Put in contacts.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes from coffee.

pro's first check-in - 6:05am

I'm vertical. Not too happy about it, but I'm vertical.