Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Caly's Project For Jan & February: Writing a Book Chapter

As part of my PhD trajectory I am due to give in a finished book chapter by the End of February.

This means that I want to have the second draft (I did the 1st draft in November 2012) ready by mid-February, to give me some time to do last minute changes. 

I now create that I will have a substantial 2nd draft by Tuesday evening 29th January.

I do have a lot of other things that need to be taken care of which I will have to schedule in for 2 hours per day this week so that these items can be done by Thursday or Friday. This evening I will make my plan to do these items, which are administrative but also need doing. The real important thing is putting the creative energies into the book chapter. 


The Final Day of the 1st Draft

Today is the final day in which I finish my final draft (of this 2nd version of book chapter). Yesterday was a good day: still plenty to do today- and now it is time to finish this book chapter by the end of the day, say 22:00 pm.

Really appreciate your fellowship and support in the chatbox and checkins and so on:)

one thousand angel hugs to you my fellow PAers.


Did not meet deadline

I have just been reading over these posts. I had more than 1 month to meet this deadline and did not meet it. Hereby acknowledging this fact, and also that these checkins do not work. I am not going to bother with this for the moment as I am upset and confronted. I have decied enough is enough and I just need to get things done. Faith. Hope. Honour My word. Be Accountable.  I find this programme a bit soft, and I think maybe I need to turn around my thinking, and look for my source of power inside more and from my HP.


this friday is the plan to have it done

The 2nd draft of my bookchapter is planned to be done this Friday. What happened last time is I didnt finish the whole thing only half the chapter, and sent it off half done  anfd then feedback I got was just -well-half-feedback.

Since then have been rewriting it. I will send off some section today to someone to read, as I am fearful of someone actually reading my draft sections. Because draft sections are by definition inadequate. 

On the positive side, I bought a book called How To Wrote  Thesis by Rowena Murray which I am excited about reading.  HP thank you for giving me enough money to be able to buy that book, which is a a gift from you. may I do your will by reading that book. One Day At A Time. 

Cal Frances 



Thanks Phd Mom but I have

Thanks Phd Mom but I have not done it yet: it is the final day in which I need to write it.

Language Transformation & Motivation

Today is 2nd February 2013. Despite that I have had an enormous amount of trouble getting going, I am going to tell what I read yesterday in the book of one of my heroes, Tony Robbins.

Robbins writes in his book about Transformational Language and the importance of language. Through language we create our worlds. So I am going to experiment meaningfully for a week or so with using powerful language, which empowers me. Instead of my work being 'difficult' to do, I choose it to be 'stimulating'. Language can change the way one feels about things, according to this theory.  

And today I dedicate my task to hp too.


@ Calypso


Thank you moving along :)

Another day- another fresh start:)

New goal 1st draft

Tuesday 29th January was yesterday. I missed my own deadline. I do have a buddy who I told about that deadline. But the bottom line is I am the only one that cares about me keeping that deadline. This shows that I allow other things to become a priority when in fact I need to keep that item a priority. I need to set another deadline which is achievable. I would like to aim for tomorrow, but I dont know if it is achieveble to make this first draft.  I would like to remind myself of my motivation for doing this work and writing this piece. I am doing it to be of service,  not for myself. If I am doing it for something bigger than myself that is more motivating for me. I re-dedicate this task to my HP. I create Thursday as the new deadline, but maybe will change this deadline later on today.
