Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Did a lot of procrastinating today. A lot didn't get done.
End of the Day results:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[0] Shower (took a bird bath instead, Ha, ha!)
[0] Devotional Time
[x] Oral care
[0] Pedi-care
[0] Facial
[x] Dress to shoes
[0] Make bed (husband was still in it when I left for work)
[0] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Leave for work by 9:45 am
[0] Do homework with son (may have to go to the library and store for supplies)
[0] Catch up on emails
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] Report CI
[x] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm (off to bed early tonight)
Hello. I left early and worked all day at a friend's, and just got back. Had a fruitful day. Now I'm trying to decide whether it's worth working here this evening. In any event I'll check in later.
I'm mainly telling on myself. I haven't gotten done what I meant to get done today. And I need to start. I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking, but don't have the money to do anything else.
I had to return a Chinese-English dictionary I bought because the typeface was too small to read, and then of course I had to replace it, which led to several hours of browsing through, and now it's almost 2pm.
I'd better make something to eat - no use putting that off. I just get hungrier and hungrier. And then I need to get to work.
It was nice of you to take the time to collect that list.
I know about the Mandarin Tools Web site. There are some other very good ones as well. I hadn't see the Yellow Bridge site. I've mainly been using, which is excellent. It's nice that MIT posts their course material. I can take a look, but it's probably redundant with material I already have. will draw characters for you (stroke order), there's another free Web site with lots of information about this plus a free program with a dictionary. I know about tones, of course, and I have software and CDs with native speakers. Yesterday I found a site with a bunch of MP3 files demonstrating pronunciation when certain syllables follow other syllables. There are a ton of resources on the Web, plus I have quite a few programs and books.
I'm not interested in Japanese pronounciation - I'm learning Chinese! Japanese, Korean, and Chinese use the same writing since the writing isn't phonetic, but I'm learning to speak Chinese.
The Yellow Bridge site is really great. The dictionary is similar to what's on, but presented a little better.
I installed their "Talker" software - very nice! It doesn't completely replace a true talking dictionary (which I have on order) because the talking is mechanical, but it's pretty good!
Plus it has all kinds of other stuff - flash cards, memory games. I haven't looked at everything yet.
Indeed I am. I live in inexpensive social housing initially provided by my church when I was homeless. The maintenance is not good and I've been trying to get various things done. Eventually I will but the process is very burocratic and I need to keep clear records.
Anyway I feel so much better this evening and I've got a fair bit done.
Hi all!!!
Hope you all had a nice holiday! I went away to spend the holiday with sister # 1. while I was there I was happy to read that that pro got to spend the holiday with family - yeah hope you had a good time.
Monica I know what you mean about the time it take to post good idea about doing list the night before. I never seem to get my list done so i use the rollover stuff to start the next day.
[x]wash dishes
[x]clean side board
clean off stove
clean breakfast dish
clean pantry shelf 1
clean pantry shelf 2
clean pantry shelf 3
clean pantry shelf 4
clean pantry shelf 5
call np
call sister #1
call aunt
Print tax forms
2hrs back tax
1hr on foyer
1hr working on drive backup
I really need to post the next day's todo list the night before. I spend to much time in the morning planning my day when I should be participating in my day. Starting tonight, I'll type up my todo list to copy/paste the next morning. That way, I should be ready to jump into the shower no later then 5:15 am (That is, if I don't allow myself to get sidetracked by all of the other comments on here :) ).
[x] Get up at 5 am
[] Shower
[] Devotional Time
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Clean MBR Vanity
[] Leave for work by 9:45 am
[] Do homework with son (may have to go to the library and store for supplies)
[] Catch up on emails
[] Type up next day's todo list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
I got up at 6am this morning. It was hard - I'm tired. I really need to go to bed earlier if I want to get up at 6am. I wonder how long it will be before I finally do that.
Monica's CI - 9:10 pm EST
Did a lot of procrastinating today. A lot didn't get done.
End of the Day results:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[0] Shower (took a bird bath instead, Ha, ha!)
[0] Devotional Time
[x] Oral care
[0] Pedi-care
[0] Facial
[x] Dress to shoes
[0] Make bed (husband was still in it when I left for work)
[0] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Leave for work by 9:45 am
[0] Do homework with son (may have to go to the library and store for supplies)
[0] Catch up on emails
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] Report CI
[x] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm (off to bed early tonight)
Bonus item:
[0] Pick up MBR
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
6:45 PM CI for Lark VERY LATE
Hello. I left early and worked all day at a friend's, and just got back. Had a fruitful day. Now I'm trying to decide whether it's worth working here this evening. In any event I'll check in later.
pro's CI - 1:50pm
I'm mainly telling on myself. I haven't gotten done what I meant to get done today. And I need to start. I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking, but don't have the money to do anything else.
I had to return a Chinese-English dictionary I bought because the typeface was too small to read, and then of course I had to replace it, which led to several hours of browsing through, and now it's almost 2pm.
I'd better make something to eat - no use putting that off. I just get hungrier and hungrier. And then I need to get to work.
online free dictionaries
You may find this helpful it has free dictionary
this site is the total bomb it has a dictionary that gives radicals, and stroke order it also gives Japanese pronunciation way cool, save your money.
Free mit courses
learning Chinese
It was nice of you to take the time to collect that list.
I know about the Mandarin Tools Web site. There are some other very good ones as well. I hadn't see the Yellow Bridge site. I've mainly been using, which is excellent. It's nice that MIT posts their course material. I can take a look, but it's probably redundant with material I already have. will draw characters for you (stroke order), there's another free Web site with lots of information about this plus a free program with a dictionary. I know about tones, of course, and I have software and CDs with native speakers. Yesterday I found a site with a bunch of MP3 files demonstrating pronunciation when certain syllables follow other syllables. There are a ton of resources on the Web, plus I have quite a few programs and books.
I'm not interested in Japanese pronounciation - I'm learning Chinese! Japanese, Korean, and Chinese use the same writing since the writing isn't phonetic, but I'm learning to speak Chinese.
Yellow Bridge
The Yellow Bridge site is really great. The dictionary is similar to what's on, but presented a little better.
I installed their "Talker" software - very nice! It doesn't completely replace a true talking dictionary (which I have on order) because the talking is mechanical, but it's pretty good!
Plus it has all kinds of other stuff - flash cards, memory games. I haven't looked at everything yet.
Thanks for the link!
Rexroth 15.29 GMT
Woke very late after disturbed sleep and spent most of day in bed as feel not so good.
prayer and reflection
deal with emails, phone messages, post
do work on landlords - it is complicated
take it easy
finish account for the year
so far so good
bit more on landlord file
and keep taking it easy
and I'm not sure what else.
prayer and reflection
bed if in fact I'm up
sleep I hope
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 18.42 GMT
So far 50+ emails letters to/from landlords. No wonder I was putting off sorting it.
landlord problems?
Are you having problems with your landlord?
Rexroth 23.23 GMT
Hi Pro,
Indeed I am. I live in inexpensive social housing initially provided by my church when I was homeless. The maintenance is not good and I've been trying to get various things done. Eventually I will but the process is very burocratic and I need to keep clear records.
Anyway I feel so much better this evening and I've got a fair bit done.
So night night Rexroth
records and paperwork
Congratulations on making progress!
Homeless doesn't sound too good. I'm glad you're okay now. Are you unable to work?
Housereclaimer 8:00am est
Hi all!!!
Hope you all had a nice holiday! I went away to spend the holiday with sister # 1. while I was there I was happy to read that that pro got to spend the holiday with family - yeah hope you had a good time.
Monica I know what you mean about the time it take to post good idea about doing list the night before. I never seem to get my list done so i use the rollover stuff to start the next day.
[x]wash dishes
[x]clean side board
clean off stove
clean breakfast dish
clean pantry shelf 1
clean pantry shelf 2
clean pantry shelf 3
clean pantry shelf 4
clean pantry shelf 5
call np
call sister #1
call aunt
Print tax forms
2hrs back tax
1hr on foyer
1hr working on drive backup
Monica's CI - 6:50 am EST
I really need to post the next day's todo list the night before. I spend to much time in the morning planning my day when I should be participating in my day. Starting tonight, I'll type up my todo list to copy/paste the next morning. That way, I should be ready to jump into the shower no later then 5:15 am (That is, if I don't allow myself to get sidetracked by all of the other comments on here :) ).
[x] Get up at 5 am
[] Shower
[] Devotional Time
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Clean MBR Vanity
[] Leave for work by 9:45 am
[] Do homework with son (may have to go to the library and store for supplies)
[] Catch up on emails
[] Type up next day's todo list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus item:
[] Pick up MBR
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's first check-in - 6:15am
I got up at 6am this morning. It was hard - I'm tired. I really need to go to bed earlier if I want to get up at 6am. I wonder how long it will be before I finally do that.